Chapter 35

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A/N :

Hey guys ! Sorry I didn't post yesterday , I was really busy since I had school but now that it's the weekend I'll try to post more . Anyways enjoy reading!


"You're going to be late," Pansy scoffed , waking me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes , adjusting to being woken up.

"What time is it?" I mumbled quietly , before falling backwards onto my bed again.

Pansy adjusted her tie , and then proceeded to fluff her hair in the mirror "6:00," She stated quickly , giving me a quick glance.

"6:00?" I snapped. Pansy nodded , rolling her eyes at me. "In the morning?" I continued. "You have got to be kidding me." I groaned into my pillow loudly. "Was it really that necessary to wakeup me up?"

"Well, with Umbridge's new rules and all , being late to class isn't really an option," Pansy stated proudly.

She looked over at me in disgust.

"And you on the other hand , need to work on that," Pansy sneered.

"Calm down," I spoke bitterly , rolling my eyes at the girl.

"OWLS are today so if I were you I would get up," Pansy hissed. "Now."

I pulled the sheets off of my bed in annoyance. I was not a morning person and I for one was especially not in the mood to be up at this hour.

"I'm leaving now," Pansy spat , closing our dorm room door behind her.

After getting ready I headed down to the common room. To my surprise , both Draco and Blaise were both up.

I could tell Pansy was going on and on to them both about something by the facial expressions she was making , and by the looks of Blaise and Draco's faces , they didn't seem very amused with Pansy's rant.

I was too caught up in thought of what Pansy was talking about I totally dozed off. That was until a hard figure walked into me.

"Watch where you're going!" I hissed.

I brushed off my robe and turned around. To my surprise the familiar face of Acton Atkinson stood in front of me looking puzzled.

"Oh it's you," I said in relief.

"Johnson!" Acton chuckled. "Haven't seen you in a while."

I scratched my head in embarrassment. After Draco and I had gotten back into better terms again , I sort of ghosted Acton. I stopped sitting with him , let alone even spoke to him for weeks. I even felt kind of embarrassed for doing that to him.

"Sorry about that," I trailed off. "I guess I kind of forgot you existed."

"No worries Johnson, you're fine," Acton Chuckled.

I smiled at him. Acton had started off pretty cocky and self centered when I had first met him , but now speaking to him for the first time in forever he seemed more kindhearted and friendly.

"So what have you been up to?" I asked Acton.

"Nothing really," Acton sighed. "Umbridge going bizarre kind of took a toll on my social life."

"Same," I sighed.

Acton looked behind me , causing me to look as well.

"Your friends seem pretty interested in our conversation," Acton joked.

I turned around again to see Draco , Blaise , and Pansy staring deeply at Acton and I. Especially Draco.

"Yeah , I guess I'll get going then. It was nice talking to you," I smiled.

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