Chapter 10

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"So I heard about the shifting thing Sarah was talking about. Is it even real?" Annie asked.

"Of course it is , you thought we just made all that up?" I scoffed , annoyed at Annie because she didn't seem to believe what we told her previously. "Annie why would I be lying? How would I just be able to come up with all that on the spot? All those stories and details? I'm not lying."

"Mhm," Annie mumbled.

"Fine, then don't believe me if you don't want too , that's your choice. But I don't want you to think i'm a liar when I'm not," I sighed.

Annie knew from the start about Sarah and I trying to shift. I talked about it with her and some other friends all the time about it. She seemed like the only one who actually didn't think I was telling the truth.

"Well I believe you," my friend Jessica smiled , taking a seat next to me and Annie. "I know you aren't lying , I can tell by the way you're speaking."

I gave Jessica a smile before glancing at Annie and throwing her a shady glare. "Well thank you. At least somebody here believes me."

"What?" Annie scoffed. "Just because I don't believe you , doesn't necessarily mean I think you're a liar."

"It sure seems like that." I shrugged. "If you don't believe me than why are you still even listening to this conversation? Don't you have better things to do like go talk to your other friends? I'm not going to keep trying to convince you this happened if you're not going to believe me. I'd rather not waste my time."

Annie's face looked caught off guard by the statement. "Fine if that's how you feel I'll leave then," Annie hissed getting up.

"I'll talk to you later , just not when I'm talking about shifting," I spoke , not wanting Annie to be mad. Annie nodded at the statement before getting up to leave. "See you around."

'See you around.' When those words left Annie's mouth it reminded me of Cedric. I missed him.

"I'll see you later Jessica , I have to go find Sarah I smiled , running across the gymnasium.

My school was holding a random math convention that my parents had forced to attend. I assumed it would have been canceled due to covid , but I was wrong.

I spotted Sarah across the room , standing alongside the wall alone. I rushed up to her urgently.

"Sarah , oh god," I panted , trying to catch my breath. Sarah gave me a concerned look. "Are you okay?" She asked concerned at my lack of energy.

I let out a small laugh at the girl's question. "Fine," I panted again. "Just ran across the gym."

Sarah gave me a questionable look at what I just said. "Well remember we're shifting back to Hogwarts tonight," she reminded me. I nodded. "That's what I was about to say."

Sarah's dad , who I hadn't noticed was standing right next to us smiled. "Hogwarts?" he questioned , not sure what we meant. "It's nothing Dad," Sarah assured him then brushing him away.


Night finally came , and I was so exited to shift back. The excitement that had built up for the last three months was finally going to be let go.

I lay down in the starfish position. Legs out , hands out , and chin up. I was ready to shift back.

* 1 I will shift
I picture doing homework at the lake
* 2 I will shift
I picture Sarah , The golden trio , and I studying in the library
*3 I will shift
I picture eating dinner in the great hall
*100 I will shift
I picture my dorm.

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