Chapter 2

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"Wakeup! Kimmie, Wakeup!" I rubbed my eyes , adjusting to the time. I felt tired , more tired then usual.

"You're going be late!" The voice continued. "Breakfast is starting."

That's when it hit me. I didn't share a room with anybody? I didn't recognize that voice? So where was I?

I instantly opened my eyes. Pansy towered over me , glaring deeply into my eyes. Her eyes were burning into mine but I pushed it away , getting up in an instant. I looked around quickly. Was I in a dorm?

I then slapped my arm. I completely felt the slap so I wasn't dreaming.

Did I actually shift?

"Well somebody's excited to get up for once," Pansy groaned, straightening her tie. "Anyways I'll be at breakfast. I'm not risking being late today in potions. I'm not in the mood to be lectured by Snape."

"Um okay?" I stuttered , trying to keep myself under control due to the amount of excitement that was overwhelming me. "I guess I'll meet you there." Pansy rolled her eyes before exiting the dorm, leaving me alone.

I slapped myself again , this time on the face. I felt it completely. Most people wouldn't be thrilled about feeling complete utter pain to ones slap on the face but I couldn't help but let out an excited scream.

I threw the blankets that lay on my feet to the floor as I rolled out of bed. I practically fell over due to the excitement I was experiencing.

I ran to the nearest mirror across the room that sat next to Pansy's bedside wanting to examine myself. My new self.

Brown hair , green eyes , freckles? I looked different!

Through excitement, I threw on my robe before sprinting out of my dorm , in direction to the Slytherin common room.

Walking down from my dorm , I couldn't help feel taken away by how cool the slytherin common room was. It was everything I could imagine it to look like but better.

This felt more realistic then I had thought it would be, but I wasn't complaining. I scurried out of the common room , through the doors and away from the dungeons feeling amazed by the castles beautiful corridors, making my way to where I assumed the Great Hall was.

"Kimmie! Wait up!" A voice yelled, causing me to turn around in curiosity to see who had called me.

My mouth almost fell to the floor when I saw the Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasly stand in front of me. But of course I tried to keep my excitement under control.

But I couldn't help running up to them immediately and throwing my hands around the three of them.

"Energetic," Ron mumbled as I backed away , then realizing I was blowing my cover.

It wasn't hard to play it cool , why was that so hard for me?

The four of us approached the Great Hall, and I felt thankful to arrive with them because without them , I would most likely be lost amongst the corridors.

My eyes widened at the sight of the Great Hall. It was beautiful.

Students sat around their houses table as piles of food spread in front of them. Chatter and laughter filled the room. I was so mesmerized I hadn't noticed the trio walk off without me.

Snapping back to reality , I knew I needed to find Sarah.

Spotting the blonde haired girl across the room , I yelled her name, "Sarah!" I waved my hand in the air , as she motioned for me to come over to her. With no hesitation I did.

Pulling me away from the few students that sat behind her , she pulled me to a small corner in the end of the room.

"So," I started , practicing my temper. "We shifted!" My voice trailed to excitement. "And at first I didn't know if we did or if I was dreaming , so I had to slap my face twice. Once across the face and once-"

Sarah shot me a concerned look. I waved my comment away. "You know what. It's not important."

Sarah nodded. "You're weird," she finally said patting my shoulder. "But I'll see you at potions, where we learn real magic!" She smiled softly before walking off.

Sarah and I were in different houses. She was a hufflepuff and I was a slytherin. And although we were in diffferent houses we were still bestfriends.

I started over to the Slytherin table across the room. Through all the students , I managed to spot Pansy throughout all of them. She sat in between of Draco and Blaise.

I took a seat next to Blaise , trying to keep my excitement under control once again. "Finally you arrived," Blaise spoke slightly annoyed but still kind.

Pansy looked up from her plate and threw me a disgusted look. "Finally," she added to his comments , rolling her eyes at my presence.

I could take that Pansy and I wouldn't exactly what you would call "friends" due to how she treated me so far , but I didn't let her get to me.

Then I saw him. He was sitting across the table , joking to another Slytherin
boy. It was Draco. It was the Draco Malfoy. And I was actually here with him , in the same room with him.

"I'm taking this as somebody has a crush on me," Draco spoke , his voice cocky. I soon relized he was talking to me. I forgot that I was staring at him intensely.

I looked away quickly embarrassed by Draco's comment. God , was it so hard to keep things under control?

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