Chapter 43

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As year six unrolled , Draco slowly became more distant. He would skip classes and disappear out of nowhere most of the time.

I had asked Draco countlessly multiple times of where he goes to when he disappears but every time he refuses to tell me.

"I'm worried about him," I sighed.

Harry , Sarah , Hermione , Ron , and I were studying in the library. I was trying to rant about Draco's disappearances lately but Sarah had seemed like she was the only one paying attention , let alone even caring.

"I'm sure he's fine," Sarah assured me.

"He's been nowhere to be seen these past couple days! He barely eats, doesn't show up to class, and practically ignores me now a days!" I sighed again.

"He's Malfoy? Why should anybody care?" Ron scoffed.

I have him a glare.

"You might have personal problems with him but that doesn't mean I can't care about him," I hissed. "Maybe if you gave him a chance you would see he isn't the villain you make him up to be."

"Villain?" Ron chuckled.

I rolled my eyes.

"He's a bully," Hermione added. "Cold hearted. Doesn't care about anybody other than himself."

"Cold hearted?" I spat. "You don't know anything about him!"

"I for one do," Hermione protested. "He's been nothing more than cruel to me my entire life!"

As I was about to argue back against Hermione Harry had cut me off.

"Wait , go back to what you said earlier," Harry said quickly.

"What did I say?" I asked Harry.

"About Malfoy skipping classes?" Harry reminded me.

"Uh yeah? He skips class? I don't know what else you want to hear," I mumbled.

"Skips classes," Harry mumbled to himself while smiling.

"Huh?" I questioned. "You seem pretty thrilled with this?"

Harry looked up at me.

"Harry thinks-" Hermione started before quickly getting cut off.

"Kimmie will you do me a favor?" Harry pleaded.

"A favor?" I laughed.

"Harry just tell her what you think!" Hermione yelled.

I looked at Hermione and then back at Harry confused. What was going on?

"Fine," Harry started. "Kimmie , I know you're close with Malfoy and all , so I wanted to ask you something. We think Malfoy might be a death eater-"

"No! Your the one who thinks he's a death eater! I never agreed to your theory," Hermione corrected.

"Fine! I have a theory that Malfoy is a death eater," Harry admitted.

"No," I denied.

"No?" Harry argued. "It just makes sense."

"No!" I scolded. "Draco is not a death eater. I would know."

"But you said Dracos been distant from you," Harry nagged.

I looked down.

"If Draco's been distant from you , how would you know?"

"Draco is not a death eater," I argued.

"The facts are adding up!" Harry protested.

"Harry , stop," Hermione pleaded.

"Cant you see? Skipping class , staying distant , barely showing up for meals? His father was one? So was his mother? Why wouldn't that mean any different for him?" Harry concluded.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Draco Malfoy is not a death eater! Keep your head out of other people's business and focus on yourself! You don't know anything about him! All you do is make Draco out to be some villain when you don't even know him! This version of him you're making him out to be is no better than you!"

Harry was silent.

"So keep his name out of your mouth," I spat.

I quickly grabbed my things before rushing out.

"And don't speak to me again until you can retain yourself," I finished as I walked out of the library.

I quickly headed down to the dungeons with thoughts rushing through my head.

Why did they always have to do this? Why did they always have to gang up on Draco? Why did they always accuse him of random things? They accused him of being a death eater for merlins sake! They were acting like my parents. Draco Malfoy a death eater? I shook my head. No , Draco would never agree to becoming a death eater. A death eater!

I turned the corner aggressively staring down at my feet. I wasn't thinking or watching where I was going rather than processing thoughts through my mind.

Draco would never agree to become something like that. I knew him. He was Draco! Draco Malfoy a death eater at 16? Was everyone crazy? Was I the only one stable enough to see that Draco wasn't a death eater.

As I turned another corner carelessly I crashed into a tall figure , causing me to fall to the ground. I stood up instantly brushing off my skirt. I bent over quickly picking up my wand and stack of books that had fallen to the ground.

"Watch where you're going next time!" I scolded.

As I finished collecting my books I turned around to see Draco starring sympathetically into my eyes.

"Draco?" I breathed. "Where have you been? You didn't show up to class again today!"

I noticed Draco's expression on his face. His eyes looked into mine deeply. It almost looked like he wanted to cry.

"Are you alright?" I queried.

Draco looked down at me innocently.

"I'm fine," Draco answered softly. "Just tired."

"Well then maybe you should sleep," I suggested. "It looks like you haven't slept for days."

Draco rubbed his eyes.

Draco didn't look "fine." I studied his face. His skin had gotten worse since last year , and his eyes looked different. His eyes looked sadder. It looked like he hasn't slept in days. He looked tired , but what was I supposed to do? Every time I had asked him if he was okay , he would just brush it off. Every time I had pointed out how he's skipping class and missing meals he gets overly defensive.

"I haven't," Draco admitted.

"Well then what have you been doing that's been keeping you up?" I asked.

"Nothing," he mumbled.

"Draco you should come with me. You need to sleep," I protested.

"I'll meet you later," Draco answered. "I-I uh need to get something done."

I hesitated.

"Look Kimmie , I'm fine," Draco assured me.

"You don't look fine," I said calmly. "I don't know what's happening with you or why you've been acting so different lately but whatever you're doing is effecting your mental health Draco."

"Look I'll meet you later. I promise. Just meet me in the common room." Draco stated.

I looked up to Draco. Before I knew it I was wrapping my arms tightly around him , embracing him into a tight hug. He rested his chin onto my head as I buried my face into his chest.

"I love you," I mumbled.

"I love you too," he whispered.

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