Chapter 45

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a/n- for those here and reading, thank u for sticking by! i love u

Slughorn's party was being held tonight and although I was still disappointed that Draco couldn't assist me to it , I was still excited to be attending with Blaise.

As I approached the common room , Draco and Blaise stood there patiently waiting for me.

"Wow," Blaise smirked.

Draco looked at Blaise in disgust as he proceeded to give him a death glare.

"Just remember Zabini, you get her for tonight," Draco scolded.

Blaise playfully placed his hands in the air as he scoffed sarcastically.

"Well I suppose , we should leave now then," I smiled , as I placed my hand into Blaise's who had reached out for me to take.

"I suppose."

As Blaise and I started away I couldn't help but look back at Draco. He stood still , watching as Blaise and I exited the common room. He flashed me a soft smile before turning away. I wish I could've went with him.

As Blaise and I entered Slughorn's party I had noticed Acton was attending as well. I glanced over to his date. He had invited Amelia Belle.

I instantly rushed over to him with glee, noticing Amelia's presence. I flashed Amelia a polite grin and grabbed Acton's arm as I tugged him across the room.

"Amelia Belle?" I asked joyfully as Acton and I shoved ourselves behind a curtain.

"Amelia Belle," he stated proudly.

"I didn't think you would actually-"

"Hey!" Acton whispered loudly , smacking my arm jokingly.

Conveniently, Hermione had as well decided to hide behind the curtains where Acton and I stood. Harry followed after her.

"Well hello?" I said in confusion of why Hermione and Harry as well decided to hide behind a curtain.

"Hermione?" Harry asked. "What are you doing? And what happened to you?"

I looked over at Hermione who had looked extremely worried.

I tugged Acton's arm.

"We should go," I whispered as I pulled Acton out from behind the curtain.

As Acton and I made our way out of the curtains , I had spotted Neville handing Blaise a drink. The look on Neville's face made it look as if he was terrified of Blaise , and the look on Blaise's face made it look as if he was giving Neville a hard time. I sighed as I headed over to the pair.

As I approached the two , relief flooded over Neville's face.

"Hi Neville," I smiled.

Neville looked over to Blaise like he needed Blaise's permission to say anything to me.

"What are the two of you chatting about?" I asked breaking the silence since Neville hadn't replied to my greeting.

"Just having a fun talk with Longbottom," Blaise said as his sneered at Neville's name.

I nodded sarcastically at Blaise knowing what was actually happening. I took Blaise's arm softly pulling him away from Neville. I had assumed Blaise was giving Neville a hard time , and Neville our of all people didn't deserve that. Neville was nothing but kind.

Blaise and I soon found our ways over to the dance floor.

As Blaise and I joyfully danced carelessly I couldn't help but notice how terrible Blaise was at dancing.

"You're a terrible dancer," I laughed as Blaise spun me around with one hand , as a drink occupied his other.

"I could say the same for you."

"Well at least-"

Suddenly my voice trailed off , causing Blaise to turn around. There Draco stood , trying to escape Filch's grasp.

"Take your hands off me , you filthy squib!" Draco hissed as Filch continued to drag Draco into the room.

"Professor Slughorn sir," Filch started as Slughorn approached the scene. "I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor."

I looked over at Draco who looked down in embarrassment over what was happening , still in the grasp of Filch.

"He claims to have been invited to your party," Filch continued.

"Okay! Okay! I was gatecrashing!" Draco admitted. "Happy?"

Snape approached Draco calmly as I continued to watch the entire scene go down.

"I'll escort him out," Snape stated emotionlessly.

"Certainly, Professor" Draco spat as Filch released Draco from his hand.

I looked at Blaise , who looked back in me in confusion.

As Draco had exited the room , everybody proceeded to break out into whispers over what had just happened.

"What just happened?" I mouthed to Blaise..

Blaise shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to say.

"Alright!" Slughorn yelled. "Carry on , carry on!"

Everybody proceeded to return to what they were previously doing before Draco had crashed the party. That was everyone expect for Harry who I saw followed Snape and Draco out into the corridors.

I didn't bother following Draco out like Harry and decided to just leave it. In the end , I wasn't a stalker like Harry.

As the party broke out into chatter and excitement among the guests again , Blaise and I headed towards the door.

"I think I should go," I told Blaise , still thrown off over what had just happened.

Blaise nodded.

"I'll take you."

As Blaise assisted me down to the dungeons , I was hoping to see Draco in the common room , ready to ask him about what had just happened back at Slughorn's party, but I couldn't since he wasn't there.

As Blaise and I parted ways , I made my way over to the girls dorms. As I entered mine , Pansy was already heavily asleep snoring, considering it was pretty late at night.

As I got ready for bed , I couldn't help but wonder what Draco was actually doing at Slughorn's party.

Why did he crash if? If he wanted to go so badly , he could've just came with me. I mean , I did invite him.

What was he really doing there?

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