Chapter 16

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Fourth year came to an end. Sarah and I hadn't shifted back since February and it was June now.

I threw my stuff into my trunk and headed down to the common room. Pansy and the rest were already there.

I loaded my stuff onto the train and took the window seat next to Draco. I looked outside at the beautiful castle. Hogwarts. It really was my home.

The train would be arriving at Kings Cross station soon, and before we arrived I wanted to say goodbye to all my friends.

I got up to find Harry, Hermione, and Ron who I figured would all be sitting together. I spotted their seats and rushed over to them.

"I'll miss you guys," I smiled.

I really was going to miss them and I meant it. I didn't know how long Sarah and I would be until we shifted back.

"We'll miss you too," Hermione smiled. I gave them a quick nod because walking away.

I entered the compartment where Draco , Pansy , and Blaise sat. I took my seat next to Draco and viewed the outside from my window.

We soon arrived at Kings Cross Station. I got up , realizing this was only goodbye for now. Draco handed me my bag and in return I gave him the biggest hug ever.

"I'll miss you, Johnson," Draco breathed , still hugging me. "Promise me you'll write," I spoke sternly , pulling away from the hug. Draco gave me a funny expression. "Of course."

"I'll see you soon Zabini," I nodded to Blaise , giving him a small smile.

I took my luggage and headed off the train. The station was filled with chaos amongst the the student and parent reunions. Through the crowd I managed to spot Sarah.

I rushed over to where she stood , chatting with her parents , giving her last goodbyes to her friends. I pulled her arm gently , letting her know I needed to tell her something.

"Remember we're shifting back tonight," I reminded her.

"I know," Sarah replied as she groaned slightly at the idea. "I'm gonna miss this place."

We both looked back over to the train , still filled with kids that were exiting their compartments.

"We'll be back before we know it," I added , trying to lighting the mood.

I then left Sarah to go find my parents amongst the chaos around me. Eventually I spotted the pair in the back.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed running to them welcomingly. My parents wrapped their arms around me as they hugged me back.

Later that night I sat in bed unable to fall asleep. I didn't want to shift back , but then again it wasn't much of a choice. I closed my eyes and inhaled.

"Take me back," I mumbled.


My alarm started buzzing loudly. I flinched at the alarming noise as I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I looked over at my clock and it was 7 in the morning. And I was back in my current reality.

I slumped downstairs for breakfast for the feeling of exhaust flooding my body. The feeling wasn't new , shifting had always gave me an indescribable feeling.

My younger brother Luke was downstairs pouring milk into his cereal bowl. My parents must had already left for work because they weren't here.

This was my first time seeing my brother since the longest time. For him it was just the other day since my clone was obviously here.

"Good morning," he spoke happily as he poured the milk into his bowl of lucky charms.

I smiled at my younger brother. I was glad to see him , even ready to put of with his annoyingness.

I walked up to the kitchen table realizing what Luke was doing. He was picking apart the marshmallows from the cereal.

"Luke!" I lectured , grabbing the bowl away from him. "You can't just eat the marshmallows, that isn't breakfast."

"Why? I did yesterday and you didn't care!" Luke said giggling.

Right. I wasn't here so how would I know anything?

School felt like the slowest thing ever. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be there, at Hogwarts. But I knew it was time to take a break from shifting. I was getting too attached to it.

"Sarah maybe we should take a longer break from shifting," I suggested to her over the phone.

"Maybe you're right. It could be a good thing," She answered , liking the suggestion. "We should change our scripts to whenever we leave our desired reality time will pause there."

I hesitated. "I don't want to forget them , though." And that was true. I couldn't think about the idea of forgetting my life there.

"You won't. Trust me."

"Then maybe we should," I sighed as I added in the extra detail to my scripting notebook. "That does sounds like a better idea considering we don't know how long it will be until we shift back."

Sarah and I ended the call and I got ready for bed. Draco was the only thought that visited my mind , like usual. I fell asleep thinking of him that night , smiling at the thought of him. No matter how long it would be until I saw him again , I couldn't wait.

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