Chapter 29

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I took a seat next to Draco. We were on the train. We sat with Blaise and Pansy. We both were going back home for Christmas break. When I meant I was going home , I really was going home.

Before we left I needed to go remind Sarah about tonight. She most likely remembered since we've been talking about shifting back just the other day , but telling Sarah made me feel more organized I guess you could say.

"Hold on," I said getting up out of my seat.

I started to walk away before I heard Draco's voice.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked.

I turned around. I was standing in the middle of the aisle.

"I need to tell Sarah something. I'll be right back," I replied.

Draco nodded his head and proceeded to laugh at something Blaise had said to him.

I ran up to where I saw Sarah. She was sitting with her Hufflepuff friends. One of which being Conner who I was confused why of which the two were sitting together after what had happened between them.

"Sarah!" I panted.

"Oh hi," Sarah smiled. "I know you're here to remind me as usual."

"Well you aren't wrong," I laughed.

"I'll see you back there I guess," Sarah smiled again.

She then proceeded to sit down next to her group of Hufflepuff friends.

I walked back over to where I was sitting. Pansy gave me a rude look as usual.

"What was that all about?" Pansy sneered.

I ignored her.

The one thing I was happy about while shifting back was not having to be around Pansy and her rude comments. They were getting old and not to add were super annoying.

The trolley lady walked up to us with her cart rolling in front of her.

"Anything for you guys today?" she asked kindly.

"No thank you," I answered.

The trolley lady looked at the rest of my friends who didn't even look up to care.

"I'm speaking the same for them," I said annoyed they didn't answer themselves.

The trolley lady walked away.

"A bit rude if you asked me," I said rolling my eyes. "How impolite are all of you to ignore her?"

"Whatever," Pansy hissed.

Once the train arrived to Kings Cross my desired reality parents were waiting for me. I spotted them in the back of the crowd.

"Bye Draco," I said hugging him.

I started to walk away when I felt Draco tug my hand again. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss.

"That's a proper goodbye," Draco joked.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"I'll see you after the Holidays," I smiled.

"Merry Christmas Kimmie," Draco said.

"Merry Christmas Draco."

I walked over to where I spotted my parents.

"There you are!" My dad said jokingly.

I hugged both of them.


I walked up to my bedroom. I was shifting back tonight. My first time shifting back in forever. To be honest I was nervous. I was nervous to be back. I hadn't been back for so long.

I walked over to my bed. I shut the life switch off and closed my eyes.

"Take me back," I said. That was my safe word.

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