Chapter 62

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I watched as Bellatrix questioned the Goblin that had also been held in the cellars with Luna about Hermione.

"I'm going to ask you once more Goblin," Bellatrix started. "Think very , very carefully before you answer."

The room grew with silence. "I don't know," he spoke in almost a whispered tone. "You don't know?" Bellatrix mocked , ranging her voice to a higher tone. "Why aren't you doing your job? Who got into my vault?" She continued , this time raising her voice.

The goblin stared blankly at her. "Who stole it?" She asked again, getting frustrated with his lack of response. "Who stole it?" The goblin looked away. "Well?" She spat.

"It was last in your vault," he finally said. "The sword was there." Bellatrix rolled her eyes at his response. "Oh, perhaps it just walked out on its own then?" She yelled, getting angry.

"There is no place safer than Greengotts," the goblin tried to assure her. "Liar!" She spat , scraping his nose with the knife she was holding.

I flinched at her voice , remembering what she had done to me, calling me a liar too. "Consider yourself lucky," she scoffed.

She turned around , walking back over to Hermione , glaring down at her body that lay weakly on the floor. "The same won't be said for this one." She smirked down at Hermione.

"Like hell!" A voice shot out , causing myself to turn around out of curiosity.

In came Ron , running from behind with the most angry face he had ever held plastered across his face. "Expelliarmus!" He shot to Bellatrix as Harry and Lucious joined into the feud. "Stupefy!" Lucious shot as Draco pushed me away , walking up to join his parents in the fight.

I quickly followed him to where he was, ducking away from the spell Harry had just shot to me. "Stop!" Bellatrix yelled , as all of us turned over to her direction. She held Hermione up , a knife to her throat as silent tears fell from her eyes. "Drop your wands."

Harry and Ron looked over to each other , breathing heavily. "I said drop them!" She ordered as both Harry and Ron dropped them.

"Pick them up Draco," she demanded as he reached down to grab them.

She then smirked down to the knife she held against Hermione's throat. "Well well well," she mocked. "Look what we have here?"

She brought the knife closer to Hermione's throat as she let out a gasp at its touch. "Its Harry Potter?" She asked Hermione as she gasped again at the knifes touch. "He's all bright and shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord." I looked up to Bellatrix instantly.

"Call him," she smiled.

Harry looked over to me , his face full of questions but at the same time remorse. I looked away not wanting to look at him.

"Call him!" Bellatrix repeated as Lucious nodded over to her , revealing his dark mark proudly to Harry. He lifted his hand , ready to touch his mark until a squeaky sound cut him off in the doing.

We all looked up towards the ceiling to see no other than Dobby , unscrewing the chandelier above Bellatrix , that came flying down to the floor below.

Bellatrix quickly fled away from the spot where it fell , letting out a horrific scream at what Dobby had just done as Hermione ran the other way.

Harry ran up to Draco as the two fought between Draco's wand until Harry won over the feud , running away.

Hermione ran up to me quickly , grabbing my hand to pull me over to where Ron and Dobby stood. As he attempted to run with me over to them , I pulled backwards , knowing I couldn't go with them.

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