Chapter 8

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Today was Christmas day, in other words , the day of the Yule ball. I couldn't contain my excitement.

Draco and I weren't , what you would call the best terms. Since that depressing dinner we've been distant to each other. We still spoke , just not as much as normal.

I headed over to the Hufflepuff common room. Sarah and I were going to get ready together with Hermione.

I waited outside of the common room for Sarah who excitedly came out the moment I arrived. "Today's the day!" She squealed.

After we retrieved Hermione , we headed into the Gryffindor Common room secretly. We started up to Hermione's dorm room to get ready.

"So?" Hermione started. "Who are the lucky boys?" I laughed at Hermione comment. "Cedric."

Hermione gave me a nod before moving her eyes over to Sarah. "And you?" Hermione asked asking Sarah.

"Connor," she smirked proudly. I instantly let out a loud gasp. "I always knew there was something there" I teased. Sarah shoved my shoulder.

"What about you Hermione? Who are you going with?" I questioned.

"Victor Krum," She blushed. My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked , taken back at the news. Hermione nodded.

Victor was one of the Tri-Wizarding Competitors. Him , Cedric , Harry , and Fleur Delacour were all competing.

"I'll be back," I stated. "I'll be putting on my dress." I motioned myself over to the bathroom where I was going to get dressed. Hermione nodded in approval.

After putting my dress on , I exited the bathroom , my dress draping down to the floor after me.

My hair was curled beautifully and I wore silver heels. My dress was paired nicely with small pair of stud diamond earrings and a sliver necklace.

"Wow you look," Hermione started. "Absolutely stunning!" Sarah finished

I blushed at the girls comments. "Well thank you!" I smiled. "I'll say the same for you both," I remarked as I glanced at their dresses.

"Anyways, I better get going," I started. "I don't want to be late. I'll meet you two there."

The two nodded before I exited the room quickly heading for the Great Hall where the celebration was held.

As I arrived , I spotted Draco and Pansy dancing and for once , Draco didn't look annoyed to be around Pansy.

Cedric stood at the bottom on the stairway , flashing me a huge smile. As I spotted him , I started my way down the corridor stairs. It felt as if everybody had their eyes on me , including Draco.

"Wow , you look beautiful," Cedric complemented , grabbing my hand.

Since Cedric was a Tri-Wizard champion , we had to dance as part of the ceremony. Cedric was quite the dancer too. The entire time I felt Draco's eyes burning into mine , but chose not to look over at him.


I approached Harry and Ron who sat miserably in the back. "Are you guys okay?" I questioned , concerned the two.

"Fine," Harry sighed. "Totally fine," Ron mumbled. The two went make to pouting. "You don't look fine to me," I laughed. "If you want , you and your dates are always welcomed to come dance with me and Cedric," I offered.

Instantly the twin girls sitting next to the boys looked up at me thankfully at the offer but before they could respond Harry did first.

"Oh , thank you Kimmie , really. But we're okay , we don't want to spoil your night. You look lovely by the way," Harry spoke seriously.

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