Chapter 24

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Since Harry and I had both scored ourselves detention with the new professor , we figured it would be weird if we didn't walk with each other.

I still was fed up with the fact that Umbridge had denied Voldemort's return.

Harry and I arrived to Umbridge's office. Without knocking , the door opened slowly as we entered.

The room was hideous. The walls were painted a bright shade of pink , similar to the shade Umbridge wore earlier.

Harry and I approached the woman , taking out seats in front of her desk. "You're going to be doing some writing today," Umbridge started calmly.

Writing? That wasn't as bed as I suspected the detention with her to be.

Harry and I turned around , reaching for our quills , as she stopped us. "Not with your quill , your going to be using a rather special one of mine."

Umbridge walked up and handed us one of her quills. I didn't understand why exactly she insisted we used one of her quills.

A quill was a quill after all.

"Now , I want you both to write , I must not tell lies," Umbridge smiled as we adjusted the quill comfortably in our hands.

"How many times?" I asked , still annoyed. She smiled. "Well let's say as long as it takes for the message to sink in."

Harry picked up the quill , studying the tip. "You haven't given us any ink?" Harry spoke rudely. Umbridge smiled down towards him. "You won't need any ink."

I placed the quill back in my hand as I began to write. 'I must not tell lies,' I wrote. Just as I began to write my second line , my hand immediately burst out into a sudden rage of pain.

My hand swelled up , turning more red then it should have been. Instantly letters started to carve into my skin. 'I must not tell lie,' formed around my hand.

Harry had the same problem happen to him as well. He instantly looked me fearfully in the eyes.

Umbridge walked over to where Harry and I were sitting. "Yes?" Umbridge smiled calmly , even though neither Harry or I had asked a question.

She smiled at us strangely , looking us both in the eye. "Nothing," I replied quietly , almost as if I whispered.

"That's right," she smiled. "Because you know , deep down, you deserved to be punished. Don't you?"

I looked up at her in disgust.

"Go on," she spat backing away.


"What was that all about?" I asked Harry as we left Umbridge's office. My hand still ached from the previous pain I had experienced.

"She's mental," Harry scoffed.

I tucked my hand into my sleeve making it hard for people to see the scaring. I didn't want people to question it.

I waved Harry goodbye as I approached the Slytherin common room. Acton sat alone on the couch. The room was practically empty expect for a few other students and Draco.

"What happened?" Acton questioned concerned , making his way over to me.

I gave him a look of confusion , not sure what he meant. "Where were you?"

I smiled at the boy , remembering Draco was watching us from across the room. He as well sat alone , no sight of Pansy.

"Your hand," Acton breathed , taking my hand to study. "What happened?"

Draco looked over to us instantly.

I looked down to my hand which my visible
for people to see. I had thought I covered it well enough. "Nothing," I assured him swatting his hand away. I'm fine."

"I must not tell lies," Acton read , still studying my hand. "I must not tell lies? What does that even mean?"

The boy really didn't know how to mind his own businesses, did he? " I said it's nothing!" I snapped , pulling my hand away.

"Who did this to you?" Acton questioned , giving me a worried look.

I grabbed the boy's hand , pulling him out of the room , not wanted the few other students that were clearly eavesdropping to hear.I could tell Draco was concerned as well , as he watched Acton and I exit the room quickly.

"It was Umbridge , alright?" I groaned , annoyed with how pushy Acton was. "I assume it's her new way of punishment."

Acton's eyes widen. "Punishment," he repeated as I nodded. "This isn't punishment , it's pure torture?"

I felt sympathy for how the boy felt concerned for me. "Look , I'm fine," I reassured him , not wanting him to worry anymore then he was. "I'll see you later. I'm heading to the library."

I began to start off as Acton grabbed my hand. "Wait , Kimmie." I turned around to see why he had stopped me. "What?"

Acton's eyes made their way behind me. I turned around to see what he had been staring at , but before I could he tugged my arm , causing me to stop.

"Malfoy's watching us," Acton stated , smirking slightly at whatever he was up with. "Really?" I blurted as I instantly brought my volume down.

Before he could say anything , I stood on the tip of my feet , adjusting myself to his level , before kissing him slightly, making sure Draco saw that.

Draco looked at me harshly as I felt satisfied with my work.

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