chapter 3

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I had decided to walk to class with Hermione and Sarah , knowing that both of us needed assistance to our first class.

Waking into the potions classroom , I spotted the platinum blonde across the room and instantly walked up to him taking my seat, trying with every bone in my body to not be awkward.

"Finally you came," Draco scoffed as he sat back in his chair. I furrowed my eyebrows. I was then taking this as Draco and I had previously sat together before I came. "I've been waiting for you.

A small smile had found its away across my lips at the comment , but before I could do anything more awkward, I sat down next to Draco.

As class went on , the faint sounds of Snape teaching occurred in the back but all I could pay attention to was Draco.

As the day finally ended , with no other hesitation, I gathered my stuff up wanting to my find my dorm again.

I felt tired , as if I was experiencing real emotions.

Looking for the dungeons , I stopped at the familiar voice belonging to Sarah , call out my name.

"Kimmie!" She panted , rushing up to me. She took deep breaths as she plopped her hand on my shoulder. "Where are you when I need you? I've been searching everywhere for you."

"I'm actually going back to my dorm now," I pointed to where I was walking, hoping Sarah would understand. "I'm actually tired , like with a real feeling and-"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to study with some of my friends I had made today?" She interrupted me. "That is unless you're experiencing the feeling of being tired," she mocked me.

I let out a debating huff of weather to join Sarah or not.

"I mean come on! It'll be fun!" Sarah insisted dragging my hand in her direction as I hesitated back.

I sighed. "I guess so, I mean why not?" I finally said. "We are finally here."

Sarah smiled. "See that's the spirt."

Sarah and I started over to lake where Sarah's friends had been waiting.

"Hey guys," Sarah smiled to them as we approached where they were sitting. "I brought my friend."

I waved awkwardly at the group. "This is Connor , Jack , and Emme," Sarah whispered , bending over slightly to my ear.

I nodded quickly , glancing at the group who I had never seen before considering my slytherin friends weren't very fond of Hufflepuffs.

"It's nice to meet you," the brunette girl sitting under the tree smiled. The two boys shot their heads up flashing me a smile.

I returned them a quick smile before sitting down next to Sarah.

We spent the afternoon studying for our upcoming tests , and I couldn't help glance around the lake in that time. It was so pretty , and real. Everything was.

Flipping through the textbook I had been sharing with Sarah's friend , a heard a few people approach us.

"Hanging out with Hufflepuffs?" Pansy spat as Draco and Blaise followed behind her. The three approached where I sat with Sarah and her friends. "Pathetic. But what can I say? You are Kimmie after all."

I rolled my eyes as Pansy's rude remark before getting up from the grass, handing the textbook I had been sharing with Jack back to him.

I shot Sarah and her friends a sorry look. "I have to go. Sorry."

Sarah nodded understandingly before I turned around , Draco staring at me coldly.

Draco grabbed my hand , yanking me further away from the group of Hufflepuffs as I struggled to get away from his grasp.

"What's your deal hanging with the Hufflepuffs?" Draco scoffed, sending them a harsh glare although none of them looked over to see.

I gave him a dirty look. "What's your deal with getting in my business?" I shot back.

Blaise let out a quite laugh that was instantly covered up into a cough as Draco sent him a harsh glance.

"What's wrong with hanging out with Hufflepuffs?" I brought up the topic again as we entered the castle.

"They're Hufflepuffs!" Pansy spat as if she was speaking the obvious.


"Their pathetic are weird and you don't need to go making friends with the wrong sort," Draco added , speaking in a serious tone. "And Jack is the most pathetic at all."

I smiled slightly at the boys comment , wondering if any of this had to do with jealously. "I'm saving you from embarrassment."

"And why is Jack the most humiliating Draco?" I smirked knowing he was jealous. Draco rolled his eyes at my comment as we entered the common room.

Instead of answering he exited the room , walking to the his dorm. I smiled again.

First day shifting was a success.

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