Chapter 58

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As Draco and I entered the train , we searched for an empty compartment. In the past years , I went off to greet friends who I hadn't seen all summer and meet with Sarah but this year was different.

Things weren't the same anymore.

Things weren't safe.

Therefore making it different. Most students had chosen to not attend this year , knowing about the dangers and the ones who did were only a few.

I tried to avoid any glances anybody shot towards me , just in case it was the familiar face belonging to Sarah. I knew she had come this year rather than staying away from the castle due to her letters informing me she would be returning as well.

I would eventually have to deal with seeing her but the thought made my stomach hurt. Back in our current reality, the two us used to joke about becoming a death eater and although it wasn't that deep , I felt ashamed to say I was one now. Especially after everything I once stood against. Everything I once fought for.

As Draco and I approached an empty compartment near the back of the train where few students sat , other than some first years , I tried to keep my head down low , away from the faces of anybody that looked at me.

"Do you think Sarah will be on this train?" I asked Draco , as we adjusting into our compartment. I looked to the window , outside showing the train now driving away from Kings Cross Station.

Draco sat across me , blankly starting outside as well. "Probably," he finally spoke , grabbing my attention. I brought my attention away from the window , onto Draco. "She's returning to school , right?"

I nodded. "According to her letters , she wrote to me saying she would be back. Hoping to see me. But she doesn't know." My voice became quieter towards the end of my statement. "I haven't told her. Not yet."

Draco glanced at me sympathetically not knowing what to say. "I haven't written back to any of her letters, all Summer. I haven't written to anyone quite frankly due to everything that's happening."

Before I could go on anymore to Draco , the train lights flickered on and off quickly , as the train shook slightly as well. The compartment instantly went black , the only light shining was the natural light from the window.

Screams let out , as the sound of running was heard from outside of the compartment.

Death eaters.

I glanced over to Draco , who took my hand quickly with no hesitation.

The compartment door swung open , visible that now a fellow death eater stood before us. He glanced at us , before closing the door then realizing we weren't one to kidnap.

I looked up to the small window that was built into the compartment door , clear enough to see what exactly was going on , on the other side of the door.

I managed to spot out a platinum blonde girl , getting dragged away from where she sat by the same death eater that had barged into Draco and I's compartment.

Luna Lovegood.

The girl was being dragged by the death eater , down the aisle of compartment and seats that stood next to it.

I knew the girl from fourth year. We were never close , and weren't what you would call friends but she always remained kind towards me.

I couldn't let her be taken away from that death eater , so I instantly got up. Before I could let alone reach the compartment door , that only stood inches away from Draco and I's seat , a strong hand grabbed me , pulling me down onto my seat.

"Draco!" I spat , trying to get out of his firm grip. "That's Luna. Their- Their taking her!"

I looked back to the window. The girl was now gone, and so was the death eater.

"She's-" "She'll be fine," Draco cut me off. "She's already gone , there's not a chance you can save her now." I looked back over to the boy who sat with not one ounce of sympathy for the girl in his eyes.

I furrowed my eyes at the boy , backing away from him , returning to my seat across him. "You have no remorse for what just happened?" I spat. "A girl was just taken away by a death eater , to who knows where? To probably be brought to Voldemort! She could die, but it doesn't seem like you give the slightest care for her?"

I sat down in my seat. "You think I don't care?" He shot back. "You think I don't care about her? You think I don't care about everything that's going on?"

I glared at him. "Well it sure seems like it?"

"You can't tell me how I feel," he pointed his finger to me. "You don't know how I feel." I kept my attention on the boy , as we looked straight in the eye. "You're oblivious if you think I'm careless for all of this. If you care so much about me 'not caring' then you should know I'm trying to act brave in front of you."

My face softened at his words. "You think I don't care? Well I do," he spat. "Just because I don't freak out at every scene that happens , or react the same way you do , doesn't mean I don't care?"

I instantly regretted my cruel words to him. "I shouldn't of said that," I spoke calmly. "I'm sorry." Draco shot me a condoling look. "You really are the only person I have right about now."

I looked up to him , the compartment grew silence. The tension between us wasn't awkward , just silent.

"Draco," I finally spoke. Draco's face shot up to me. "Can you promise me something?" I looked at the boy softly , staring into his eyes directly. "Anything," he said calmly.

"If there ever comes a day we can't be together, keep me in your heart and I'll be there forever."

I didn't break eye contact with him , still staring directly into his eyes. "Promise me," I spoke quietly. He either , didn't break eye contact from me , still also looking directly his my eyes.

"I promise."

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