chapter 4

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Class ended and once again Sarah had invited me to study with her Hufflepuff friends. Never the less, I said sure.

Finding my way down to the common room , I waited awkwardly outside the door hoping for Sarah to come out rather then have me wait by myself , which was completely embarrassing.

But I brushed it off remembering I was feeling embarrassed, which was a feeling. And even though it sounded weird , whenever I felt any sort of feeling of emotion , I would get excited knowing that I shifted and everything was real.

As I waited awkwardly for the group an older Hufflepuff approached me. "Can I help you?" He asked kindly, furrowing his eyebrows as of a why a girl wearing a slytherin robe stood outside a hufflepuff common room.

"Waiting for friends," I nodded, pointing towards the common room.

I couldn't help but study his facial structure. I had to admit , whoever he was , he was attractive.

Suddenly out came Sarah , followed alongside her friends. My attention then diverted back to them. "You take forever," I scoffed at her , slightly annoyed at her lack of getting ready.

Turning around I saw the boy walk away. "Wait!" I yelled to him , rushing up to him , standing in front of him. "You never told me your name?"

The boy smiled. "I'm Cedric." He placed his hand out for me to shake. "Cedric Diggory."

I flashed him a smile. He was very polite. "Well my names Kimmie. Kimberly Johnson."

"See you around?" He smiled before he continued walking.

I walked back over to where Sarah stood with her friends , still smiling from my experience with Cedric.

"So what's up with Diggory?" Sarah mocked as I let out a small smile.

"Do you know him?" I instantly asked Sarah as we started walking over to the same spot we had previously been meeting at for studying.

"No , not really. Why?" She questioned as I brushed away any sign that I was interested in him.

"No reason."


As dinner ended , I went to go find Sarah. It became a thing where after dinner , we met Hermione , Harry , and Ron at the library.

Entering the library with Sarah , our heads both turned to the direction where we assumed they were due to Hermione and Ron bickering.

"Thank goodness you guys are here!" Hermione sighed as Sarah and I approached the trio. "I'm getting fed up with Ron."

Ron shot Hermione a harsh glare before turning around to face Harry and mouthing 'mental' to him.

I took a seat next to Harry. "So how's your day been so far Harry?" I asked. Before Harry could reply the familiar face I met earlier walked in. Cedric.

Turning around in my chair , I looked at him. He walked into the library , his hands in his pockets as he glanced around the room , then making eye contact with me.

I shot him a small grin as he returned one back before walking to the opposite side of the library.

"Diggory?" Hermione questioned , breaking me away from my intense staring at him.

"What?" I asked , snapping of watching Cedric across the room. "Its nothing."

"For sure," Hermione mumbled as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What?" I asked as Ron laughed under his breath quietly. Nothing it , I hit him on the shoulders , annoyed with him.

Right then, Draco and Pansy walked in, Blaise nowhere to be seen. Pansy was all over Draco but Draco didn't seem to like the attention Pansy was giving him.

"Pansy!" Draco hissed, swatting her off him. "Can you not?" Pansy rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Dracy keep your voice down , we're in the library," Pansy giggled.

I almost gagged at the name Pansy had chosen for him. I looked away from them and back over to my friends.

As Hermione continued to lecture Ron on his lack of skills , everyone but me oblivious to Pansy and Draco's appearance , the pair approached us.

"Johnson!" Draco whispered in a louder tone as I looked back over to him.

Harry glanced up from his book , then noticing Draco's sudden appearance , stiffening at his sight.

Draco glared at Harry before walking up to
me , grabbing my arm and leading me away as I pushed him off me.

"Curfew," he stated. "It's time to go. And please come with us." Draco glared at Pansy , signaling for me to walk with them.

I nodded in response at Draco's cry for help as I rolled my eyes to Pansy who glared at me again.

"Wait, Kimmie hold on," Sarah spoke in a whispered tone , considering we were in a library.

"Hurry up Kimmie!" Pansy spat. "We haven't got all day!"

I gave Pansy a rude look before following Sarah over to the bookshelves.

"What?" I asked

"How long are we planning to stay here?" Sarah questioned as he looked back , making sure nobody was eavesdropping.

I looked at her strangely. "We just got here?"

"I know that , but like when are you shifting back? Not that we should do it right now but I just want to be on the same page," Sarah explained.

"I don't know, but not now," I assured. "I'll see you tomorrow though , we can talk about this more in the morning,"

As I left Sarah behind the shelf , I continued to walk in Draco's direction where he stood swatting Pansy off him again.

"Thank god you're here," Draco sighed as Pansy continued to smile up at him

As we arrived to the common room , I sat myself next to Blaise on one of the couches. Draco sat across from me with Pansy right next to him, all over him.

"Hanging out with Gryffindors now I see," Draco scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Pathetic," Pansy added under her breath.

I squinted my eyes at the girl. "Do you have something to say Pansy? Because it seems like you do?" I spat

I was tired of Pansy's character towards me. She had no right to treat me how she was. After all, I hadn't done anything to her.

"All I have to say is it's pathetic for you to be hanging out with other houses. You barely hangout with your own house anymore too."

"Well for your information," I fired back. "I've been hanging out with Gryffindors since forever. I fired Draco a dirty look. "And Pansy. Maybe the reason you only hangout with Slytherins is because no other house would ever dare to be seen with somebody like you in public. Which is completely understandable. Who would want to be seen with you in public? You're the pathetic one."

Pansy narrowed her eyes at me but before she could add anything to our feud , I shot her a sympathetic look. "I'll be going to bed now. Goodnight."

And with that, I got up and left her glaring at me as I walked away.

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