Chapter 60

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a/n : literally writing this is motivating me so much to shift. my friend and i haven't tried since october but writing this makes me want to start trying again omg. also all these extra characters in the book are based off of real people too by the way!! i wrote how i think it would go if we shifted still following the original harry potter storyline! i haven't shifted yet so none of this is personal experience but once i do shift i definitely will write abt it on here !!

i'm so sad because we're reaching the end of the book! there's only abt maybe 15-20 chpts (maybe more) left and although that doesn't seem like a few , to me it does. i already know how the ending goes , and wrote the last two chapters yesterday and i'm so excited to publish the ending!!

another thing , i'm so sorry for not posting the past few days. i felt so unmotivated to write but i'm back now, {motivated to write} ! we're so close to 8,000 reads which is super cool , litteraly. i started writing this chapter at 6,000 reads and we're already about to reach 8,000!

anyways , happy reading ! <3


I had managed to pass through the following weeks at school. It was dreadful. Narcissa had later informed Draco on the death of my parents, which he blamed himself for.

I tried to explain to him how it wasn't his fault but he turned down the idea constantly until I just decided to drop the subject around him, not wanting to see him blame himself for something that wasn't his fault once again.

Half of the school hated me , while the other half praised me. I didn't like the feeling of people hating me nor praising me, rather then just wanting the idea of me being treated normally to happen again.

I sat in my room, located in the Malfoy Manor. Narcissa had insisted in me staying in my own room rather than sleeping in one of the guests rooms every night.

Spring break had arrived which meant Draco and I were at the Manor. It was only my first day back, but I already didn't want to be here.

I knew this would mean, daily meetings with Voldemort and the rest of the death eaters and I for one, was not looking forward to that.

Earlier I had explored the Manor again. A few screams occurred down by the dungeons in the Manor which had drawn me with curiosity of what was happening.

I instantly felt the need to know what was happening , which I immediately regretted once I found out who the screams were coming from.

Luna Lovegood , Dean Thomas , and Ollivandar were held captive down in the Malfoy's dungeons.

The worst part was the horrific screams weren't coming from either of them , rather then coming from Antonin Dolohov , a fellow death eater who screamed out of enjoyment of torturing the trio.

Draco had told me the three of them had been held captive for months , which sickened me. While I had been attending school safely , they were held prisoner at the Manor.

I ruffled my hands through my hair while flashing a small smile at myself in the mirror , before it quickly faded away.

Instantly I jumped at the sudden knocking from my door ;interrupting my thoughts. I sped to the door quickly -opening it , curious to see who had knocked.

Narcissa stood patiently , with a soft smile spread across her face. "Well I suppose you're hungry?" She questioned , speaking in a welcoming tone. I nodded awkwardly. After all , I was hungry. "Well dinner is ready downstairs," she nodded , motioning for me to follow her.

I stood hesitant in the doorway , afraid of who would be joining us for dinner. "The Dark Lord isn't coming," Narcissa assured me , noticing the glint of worrisome in my eyes. "It's just Draco and me." She shot me a small smile.

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