Chapter 11

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"Sweetheart, it's time to get up. We're visiting the Malfoys today." My mother spoke softly as she entered my room.

I let a groan as I rubbed my eyes tiredly. Then it hit , that was my desired reality mother's voice.

I sat up instantly and glanced at my mom who stood patiently in the doorway. This was my first time actually meeting my desired reality parents.

"Sweetie is everything alright?" My mother asked confused.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine," I stuttered as I got up from bed, trying to play it cool.

I glanced around around my room. It was different here then it was back in my current reality. The walls were white and the floors were wood, my parents stood patiently in the doorway. I got up , pulling my bedsheets off my legs and starting for the doorway my parents stood in.

"Where did you say we were going today?" I asked my parents.

"The Malfoys," my father answered. "For Christmas."

I instantly groaned at the words that just left my fathers mouth. The Malfoy's? Were they serious? That meant putting up with Draco.

"Do we have to go?" I groaned.

My mother let out a soft chuckle." Where? To the Malfoys?"

"Can't we just, stay home or something," I suggested. The thought of having to put up with Draco's annoying presence was not my ideal Christmas.

"We go there every year!" My mother remarked , taken back at my comments. "You always seem to have fun with Draco? What's the problem this time?"

I sighed. Putting up a fit wasn't going to do anything. "Fine, I'll go."

My mother smiled softly. "Well , tidy up a little. We should be leaving soon." And with that both parents exited the room , closing the door behind them.

I threw on the green dress I had found in my wardrobe and added some red lipstick to the look. Weather I wanted to see Draco or not , I still tried to pull it together.

We arrived to the gates of the Malfoy Manor. Snow covered the pathway up to the doorsteps.

Their house was huge. But I couldn't complain , my house here was even bigger.

I knocked softly on their door , before a small elf like creature appeared in front of me , opening the door. "You must be here for the Christmas Party," he nodded.

My father stepped forward , pushing me aside gently. "We are," he spoke harshly and with that the elf let us in.

We were brought to a huge room by the elf. It was filled with guests and food. The room was festively decorated everywhere with tinsel and Christmas decor.

"Kimmie!" Blaise shouted. I instantly turned around to see Blaise across the room. He was standing next to Pansy and Draco.

I couldn't help but notice how good Draco looked. He stood next to Pansy , slouching back with his hands in his pockets as his blonde hair fell over his face.

"Blaise!" I smiled, making my way across the room , over to where the three of them stood. "Draco , Pansy ," I nodded.

"I'm glad you decided to come , I thought maybe this year you wouldn't want to come-" Draco started. "Why wouldn't she want to come Dracy?" Pansy mocked , cutting Draco off.

I could tell they were still together since Pansy was still calling Draco , Dracy. "Pansy what is up calling Draco 'Dracy'," I mocked imitating her voice.

"It's my nickname for him if you might ask. Couples have nicknames. It's a couple thing. You wouldn't know since you don't have a boyfriend."

"I mean at least I could come up with a better nickname then 'Dracy'."

Pansy scoffed.

"Oh really? What would these nicknames even be?"

"Hmm," I spoke imitating I was thinking. "Maybe stupid , asshole , annoying. Just some suggestions."

Draco rolled his eyes at me. I could tell him and I were on better terms now.

"Those don't sound like very good nicknames to me. I think I'll stick with Dracy." Pansy smiled up at Draco , not getting the joke.

Draco pushed Pansy off him and wiped his cheek. "I'd rather prefer Kimmie's nicknames," Draco scoffed to Pansy. "And Dracy? Where did you even get that from?"

I smiled slightly. Maybe it was a good choice to attend this party after all. I had made up with Draco which was a main priority of mine.

Sarah didn't attend considering the distaste the Malfoy family had to Hufflepuffs. I wish she had though , it would have been more fun with her around.

I spent the night with Draco and Blaise as Pansy tagged along. None of us really wanted her around but then again , it was Christmas after all. As the night began to come , guests started to leave, including my family.

"According to my parents I'm supposed to thank you for inviting me," I scoffed annoyed at my parents for making me thank Draco. "I don't know why."

Draco laughed.

"Merry Christmas , Johnson."

I smiled at Draco's comment. "Merry Christmas, Malfoy."

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