Chapter 15

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Since I scripted to forget Cedric's death , I blamed myself a lot. If I just scripted to remember he didn't died I could've stopped the whole situation.

I skipped classes today and stayed in my dorm. I didn't eat all day , and for some reason , I wasn't even hungry.

I was a mess.

It was around dinner time when I decided to go down to the great hall to eat , considering I hadn't eaten all day.

I threw on my robe and headed out to the common room looking a complete mess but not caring.

I sat next to Draco who was laughing at something Blaise had said. Pansy was also sitting next to Draco.

I decided to let what Pansy said about Cedric go. In the end she was just saying that to get to me.

Throughout dinner , I barely touched my plate due to my lack of appetite. I could feel Draco's concerned eyes stare at me , the entire dinner.

As everybody started to exit the great hall , Draco's cold hand grabbed mine , pulling me away.

"Kimmie, wait," Draco spoke , letting go of my hand.

Pansy and Blaise were not where to be seen , meaning they must've followed the group of students down to the dungeons already.

"What?" I asked softly.

Draco hesitated in front of me. "We should go back now."

As Draco and I stood in front of the common room , I mouthed the password but before walking in Draco took my hand.

"Wait, Come with me," Draco said , grabbing my hand.

I hesitated. "Draco, it's almost curfew. We can't be out this late," I said.

Draco didn't listen and continued to drag me to wherever he wanted to take me too.

I followed him out to a part of the school grounds I had never been to nor knew was even here. The flower fields.

"I never knew about this place," I admitted , admiring the stars that fell above us , twinkling down onto Draco and I.

Draco sat down. "I come here alone to think when I need to."

I glanced down at him before taking a seat right next to him , lying back.

Draco fell down beside me too.

I looked up into the stars. It was beautiful. The stars twinkling above us. It was pure silence other than the sound of nature.

I felt safe again, out here. I wasn't worried about anything , I was so caught up in the moment because when I was with Draco , I didn't have a care in the world.

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