Pt. 67: The Task

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A/N: first off, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year! Wow, I missed a lot, but I was busy doing this and five other things, so here are my holiday greetings!

The Soundtrack So Far:

You Look So Good In Blue:


The group walked down the hall in tense silence. The Guard led the way, followed closely by Loki, Thor, and the rest of the alien visitors. Loki kept his hands in tight fists and his jaw set. The feeling of his nails digging into his palms helped keep his composure. However, it unnerved Thor, so he discretely eyed Loki's hands. He had an idea of Loki's current worries and wanted to stay vigilant for his sake.

They soon came to a stop in front of a set of doors manned by two King's Guard members. The group's guide gave his compatriots a nod and stepped away. The two eyed Loki and Thor for a moment and opened the doors, revealing the throne room and its current occupants.

Loki didn't stop to ogle as he walked down the small steps, but Thor and the rest of their company took their time, their necks craning this way and that. Peter nearly took a tumble off the last step, but he caught himself just in time.

Loki watched the floor and stopped shy of the clay addition in the center of the room. From there, he lifted his eyes and politely surveyed the people looking at him, their eyes holding an edge he expected to see. He was an outsider in their land, and no doubt they'd had trouble with outsiders before. But in the middle of it all was T'Challa, sitting upright and stately in his throne. His eyes held kindness and thankfulness, and Loki gave him a friendly tilt of the head. Thor sidled up to one side of him and Gamora's group to the other, with Peter standing closest to him.

"Prince Loki," Shuri greeted confidently, "nice to see you show up to something you were invited to."

Loki ducked his head to chuckle as the Queen Mother gently scolded her daughter. The village leaders rolled their eyes and scoffed a little, and T'Challa couldn't help but laugh at his sister's jab.

Loki cleared his throat. "My sincerest apologies, Your Highness." He made sure to say it as earnestly as he could. He needed her to know he meant it.

Shuri looked at him sharply and relaxed her posture. "You're forgiven, but don't miss the next one."

"I promise I won't," Loki responded, a smirk still evident on his face.

"It's still wonderful to see you, Loki," T'Challa greeted.

"Likewise, Your Majesty."

"You look rested. I assume your friend is awake?"

Loki flashed a grin. "Yes. I'm happy to say she's completely healed, so many thanks to your medical staff."

"I'm sure they've all heard about it by now. You're quite the talk here." T'Challa waved a hand. "But more of that later. We have business to discuss." He paused and waited for the attention of all his guests. "First on hand, we still have the bodies of Thanos and his warriors in our deep freeze storage. As my people are not skilled in handling such alien material, we thought it best to seek your," he gestured to the group, "guidance on the subject."

Everyone's head swiveled around to look at each other, not sure who should take the reins. Loki was eager to keep talking, but Gamora and Nebula shifted as though words were perched right under their chins, just waiting to come out. Loki kept his eye on them, and once they met his gaze, he gave them a sure nod of his head for them to speak. This was their place to answer, not his.

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