Pt. 63: The Alternative

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Loki has a, uh, he has a Day.

A/N: RIP to Chadwick Boseman. That man gave us so many legendary Black roles, all while he was battling cancer. He is the king, the legend, and the Man. He made marks both in and out of the MCU. We were lucky to have him, and the love won't stop.

And the Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may her memory be a blessing. To all my USA readers of voting age, get out and vote when the time comes. Here's to hoping we don't get all our civil rights taken away in one fell swoop because oof, you know these government bigots would do it to us.

Alrighty, everyone, we got a whopper today! Honestly, I am so sorry this is long, but I'm sure the majority of you don't care. I was going to cut this in half, but as I know from experience, y'all would just read one after the other, so here's a big boi! As you know, there's canon-level violence and such things. We've all watched Endgame and lived, so you can handle this.


Loki was ecstatic to be on a battlefield again. With each Outrider creature brought down by his hand, he felt his youth return with such clarity; he was tempted to try and win the battle all by himself. But alas, he knew he would ultimately fail. He needed to stay alert for the moment Thanos appeared.

As soon as Thor arrived, Loki ceased his spell use and resisted any theatrics. He couldn't risk having his cover blown now, not now when there were two Black Order members in his sights. They hadn't seen him yet, and he wanted to keep it that way. He retreated to the mountain base to get a better vantage point, but he felt something else, a rumbling from deep within the Earth. It got closer and closer until the source revealed itself: enormous buzzing saws, ready to shred everything in their path.

From a distance, Loki did his best to remove anyone directly in front of them, but it was a chore. He kept breaking concentration and looking over his shoulder for anyone trying to sneak up on him. He successfully lifted a group of Jabari to safety when he hears Sam's panicked voice in his ear.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here."

Loki inhaled sharply as he whirled around to search for his endangered companion. Whatever Sam saw, it couldn't be good.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yelled.

"I got him!" Bruce answered, but Loki didn't hesitate.

"Right behind you," he said, and stealthily followed Bruce's path to the mountainside.

Once he was close enough, he saw who he was up against. Cull Obsidian was deep in his fight with Bruce, and the creature advancing on Vision was none other than Corvus Glaive. Loki felt his mouth go dry, but he stayed vigilant and always in a blind spot. Corvus grasped Vision's shoulder and plunged his blade deep into his chest. Vision's face flickered as he remained powerless at his attacker's feet. Loki picked up his pace to help, but Steve came barreling in, knocking Corvus to the ground.

"Get outta here!" Steve yelled at Vision as he defended himself. "Go!"

Having sustained two immense wounds, Vision was in no shape to go anywhere. As Loki moved in closer, he spotted the glaive on the ground and hurried to grab it. Vision stared up at him, helpless and uneasy, but Loki held a finger up. He had no plans to use the weapon on him, at least, not yet. Loki remained silent and snuck closer to the two.

Corvus quickly subdued Steve, knocking him over a fallen tree and pinning him to the ground with a claw around his throat. Loki saw Steve struggle and begin to lose, and he disdained it. Taking the weapon in both hands, he ran forward and plunged the blade into Corvus' back. He kept going until Corvus was completely skewered, and lifted him off of Steve. Loki held still to admire his good work, then dropped the body off to the side.

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