Pt. 2: The Starman

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Per the stranger's request, Luna led him inside the complex, abandoning her things outside.

"FRIDAY, is Tony available? I need to see him," she said, pressing the elevator button.

"Mr. Stark is in his lab. I will alert him to your visit."

"Thank you!" she said as she stepped into the elevator along with her visitor.

The ride up was quiet. Luna didn't know whether to talk to him or stay silent, so she chose the latter. It seemed he made the same decision as he held his hands in front of him, his eyes slightly downcast. She affixed her glasses nervously and glanced at him occasionally, trying to get a better look at him without staring. He was very handsome despite looking like he'd just rolled down a hill. His face was smudged with black dust and his clothes were dirty, ripped in certain places and a little burnt. Where did he come from? What had he just experienced for him to look like that?

The ding of the elevator interrupted any thought the two were having to themselves. Luna stepped out first and ushered him to follow.

"This way," she spoke briefly, making sure he was following close behind. Now the situation was settling in her mind. Who was he? Was he a current threat? No, that would be a bit silly because if he was a danger, he could have harmed her at any point since the moment he saw her. He had to be here for a reason, though. But what reason was it and was it a good one? So many questions.

Going up to the lab door, she held her hand to the bio scanner to enter. As usual, Tony was inside, tinkering away on a suit piece. The sound of the door closing behind her alerted him to her presence. Upon seeing her, he smiled that dazzling smile of his, but when he laid eyes on the man behind her, it visibly faltered.

"Well hello, Dr. Fields. What have we here?" he greeted with an even tone, keeping his eyes set on the individual behind her. She pauses when she gets close enough to look him in the eye.

"I honestly don't know how to explain it so I'll say it," she takes a deep breath. "An alien spaceship landed on the front lawn and he-" she points behind her "-insists on speaking with you." There's a brief moment of silence before Tony spoke again.

"Thank you, Luna. You can go now."

"But I-" she started.

"You can go," and with that, she turned slowly and walked out. The two men in the room watched her until she was out of sight. They turned their gazes back to one another.

"Alright, Rock of Ages, you have 5 seconds to start explaining yourself before I call the cavalry and send you back into the grave you're supposed to be in."

"Believe it or not, Stark, I come in peace."

"Haha, very funny. You got two seconds left."

"Alright, alright," Loki holds his hands up. He pauses for a bit. "Asgard has been destroyed, and I had nowhere to go except here." Tony crossed his arms.

"Yeah and I bet it was your fault too."

"That's not important."

"Oh I beg to differ," Tony said, taking a step closer.

"The ship we all evacuated on was attacked by," Loki paused. He couldn't say it. "Something massive, and I was the only one to escape. Now, I don't know if Thor is still alive-" Tony interrupted.

"Wait, Thor was with you?"

"Yes," Loki said matter-of-factly.

"And you left him?! Wait, why am I surprised?"

"Is that the only thing you're hearing me say right now?" Loki said sharply. He was getting irritated.

"Your planet was destroyed, the spaceship you evacuated on was attacked, and you left Thor to escape and come here, of all places in the universe. Why here?"

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