Pt. 64: The Next Day

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A/N: Hello all! Here's another for ya! I had to cut it down because the Big Boi I planned on was taking too long, so here's one that's of average length (for me, at least XP).


After Thor left with the dishes, Loki lit a stick of incense and fell asleep. Dawn approached quickly, but he was exhausted and needed more rest. He didn't need to wonder if he'll get more interruptions throughout the day.

The first came from a nurse doing morning rounds. She asked politely for Loki to leave the room so she could check on Luna. He did, albeit reluctantly, and dragged himself out into the hall, taking a seat and resting his head against the wall. Shutting his eyes, he felt like he could drift off again, but ambient noise kept him alert.

"Loki," said a voice, and he opened his eyes to greet his visitor, or rather, visitors.

Wanda and Natasha fast approached him, one holding a vase of flowers and the other a collection of to-go cups.

"Hi," he replied and got up, rubbing his eyes. "You're early ... I think."

"We wanted to come after dinner," Natasha said, "but it was so late that we decided to just wait until morning."

"So, here we are," Wanda concluded and handed a cup to Loki. "I don't know what you usually drink, so I got jasmine tea."

"Oh, thank you." Loki took it from her. "I do like it." Wanda smiled gladfully as he took a tentative sip. It was still fresh and scorching, but delectable all the same.

"So, how is she?" Natasha asked.

"Good," Loki answered and took another sip. "Apparently, despite the mess I found her in, her injuries were minor and will wake up when she's ready." He tapped the side of the cup. "It doesn't make sense, but that's the truth."

"Maybe we can ask Tony for security footage."

"That's an idea, but which one of us has the stomach to watch it?"

The two women shared a look but didn't reply. The thought of seeing their friend get hurt made them physically sick.

"So when can we see her?" Wanda asked.

"Soon." Loki gestured to the closed door. "The nurses like their privacy while they work, so that's why I'm here."

"Right," Natasha said, "makes sense. Guess we'll, uh," she put the flowers under a chair and sat down, "wait with you, then." Wanda sat next to her and drank from her cup.

Loki tilted his head and took his seat. "Alright."

Wanda handed Natasha her drink, and she took a sip. "I suppose this is a bad time to get some backstory on why you're here."

"It's a long one. I don't want to bore you with the details."

"I don't know about that," Wanda chimed. "Something tells me that it was everything but boring."

Loki bent his head and grinned. How right she was. Loki took another sip of his tea, then next to him, the door opened and out stepped the nurse.

"I'm done, so you can go back in now," she said, and Loki was quick to get to his feet.

Wand and Natasha took their time thanking the nurse and went in after Loki. They caught him pressing a soft kiss to Luna's forehead and gently rubbing her cheek. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he adjusted her bangs and sat down. Natasha set her flowers beside the rose and languidly touched its petals.

"Looks like someone beat me to it," she commented. Loki looked over, and she tilted her head towards the rose.

"That, uh," Loki chuckled, "she gave me that, actually."

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