Pt. 71: The Next Steps

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A/N: been going through a weird phase of unmotivation and writer's block. Is this story becoming boring for anyone? Or being dragged on for too long? I'm feeling weird about it and I don't like it. What do y'all think?

The Soundtrack So Far:

You Look So Good In Blue:


Luna walked with Loki down the long, familiar hallway towards the throne room. The time had come to talk with His Majesty, King T'Challa, so to say she was nervous was a tremendous understatement. The entire time they rode to the palace, she could not stop wringing and twisting her hands. Loki did his best to maintain physical contact with her, but it did little to calm her.

"Darling, it'll be fine," Loki muttered to her for the hundredth time. "T'Challa is a wonderful man."

"Easy for you to say," Luna responded, equally as hushed. "You were invited to be here. I," she rolled her shoulders, "wasn't."

"He saw the state you were in when I brought you." Her gaze snapped to Loki, her eyes wide in surprise. "He fully doesn't mind you being here."

"Well, now I'm nervous and embarrassed."

Loki pondered on how to respond, but they soon came upon the meeting room. The Kings Guard led them past the throne room to a room further down the hall. Loki inferred it was another conference room or an office for smaller meetings that weren't for country-wide discussions.

Their escort paused at the door and opened it for Luna and Loki to enter. Inside was the man of this and every hour, King T'Challa, sitting at a massive wood table with Princess Shuri to one side of him and General Okoye to the other. Steve, Sam, Tony, and Rhodey were seated onward from them, all of them sparing a glance at the newly-arriving pair. T'Challa smiled kindly upon seeing Loki, and as his gaze shifted to Luna, the smile stayed, much to her relief.

"Loki," T'Challa greeted as he stood, "good to see you again, though I wish it were under friendlier circumstances." He presented his hand to shake, and Loki eagerly took it.

"As do I," Loki responded and released his hand. Now free, he placed it on Luna's shoulder. "This is Luna, whom you've already heard about."

"Oh, yes." T'Challa looked down at Luna and held his hand out. "Good to finally meet you."

"Likewise, Your Majesty," Luna said, shaking his hand. "I heard you, um, you saw me when he," she pointed to Loki, "uh, when he brought me here. Heh, s-sorry. Talk about bad first impressions." She laughed uncomfortably, but T'Challa held no disgust in his gaze, only steady tranquility.

"No need to apologize. I'm delighted to see you are healed." He released her hand and held his behind his back. "I trust you've been enjoying your stay here?"

Luna nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I have. From what I've seen, you have a beautiful country."

T'Challa flashed a smile. "I'm happy you find it so. Well, we are waiting for a few more people to join us, so find a seat." He looked at Loki. "Make yourselves comfortable in the meantime."

Loki nodded curtly and watched T'Challa saunter back to his seat. As Luna greeted Rhodey and took the seat next to him, Shuri quietly conversed with her brother about something or other, sparing a couple of interested glances at Luna as she did so.

Once she and Loki were settled, Tony pushed his seat back and approached them.

"Hey, Blu," he greeted as he slinked up between Luna and Loki.

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