Pt. 59: Extending A Hand

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A/N: Ok y'all, this one is significantly shorter than my last few (lolol) but I think it's good <3 also, I'd like to take a brief moment to thank Bryan Fuller for creating Hannibal, my all-time favorite show, and the basis upon which I rate every piece of media. Plus, it's where I learned the art and progression of a good slow-burn and how to fan the fires appropriately XP I say this now because it's been recently put on US Netflix and I've been watching it over and falling in love with it again. Check it out if you're partial to morbidity, homoeroticism, and also like the books/movies.


Tony flung his jacket onto his office couch and sat down with a huff. He didn't want to be on center, nor did he need to be, but Luna called him that morning sounding urgent. So, having no clue as to what she meant by 'I need to talk to you, but not on the phone,' he left his beautiful fiancée in bed and made the drive down.

As he waited, his brain muddled over all the possibilities. Did he miss payday? Impossible. Those were automatic, and she would have said so over the phone. Was there a problem in the lab? No, not right, either. FRIDAY would have alerted him, and again, Luna would have told him outright. It wasn't hush-hush if something was broken or missing.

It had to be a Loki problem. Everything about him was an international secret. Tension turned Tony's stomach. Had he crossed the line and hurt Luna? If he did, he was dead on sight. Tony grabbed a stress ball and clenched it tight. He needed to keep his cool, at least until he didn't have to.

"Boss," FRIDAY announced. "They're here."

The mention of 'they' gave him notice enough to what was bound to happen.

"Wonderful," Tony groaned. "Send them up." He just wanted to hear what had to be said and leave. Saturday lunch on the town was already calling his name.

Tony played around with visions of how Luna would be escorting Loki to him. Would she be pulling him by the elbow or the wrist like a naughty child? He hoped so. Seeing such a thing would certainly make the trip worthwhile. Plus, doling out punishment would be gratifying beyond belief.

However, Tony would not get what he wanted that day. Through the doors strode Loki and Luna, but not as one pulling the other. They came in hand-in-hand and side-by-side. Tony looked from one to the other and then to their entwined hands. Something wasn't right. He followed Loki with his eyes till he was sat in the armchair across from him. Luna remained standing beside him.

"Loki wants to talk to you," she said, head held high.

"Uh-huh." Tony was drawing a blank. "Why?"

Luna rubbed Loki's arm, and he took a deep breath. "I need to tell you about why I'm here. On Earth."

Tony quirked a brow. "Was your ship not attacked? Because we debunked that excuse months ago."

"That is true, but you need to know who was behind it."

He narrowed his eyes and sat back. "Alright. Who?"

As Loki told his story, Tony sat quietly with his hand resting over his mouth. Apart from a few spared gruesome details, he repeated what he said to Luna the day before. Periodically, if he felt unsure of continuing, Luna would squeeze to his shoulder and send him a comforting glance. This earned them a stern glare from Tony, but he wasn't interrupted.

When Loki finished, Tony got up and make him a drink, not bothering to ask first. Puzzled, Loki took it and drank, watching as Tony returned to his seat.

"So," Tony broke the tense silence, "what you're telling me is ... you have nothing to do with the New York attack? You were just a puppet the whole time?"

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