Pt. 75: Just a Girl's Day Out

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A/N: So proud I was able to slide a song into this one. I've been slacking on music, but more is coming!

The Soundtrack So Far:

You Look So Good In Blue (mood playlist):


Shuri escorted the little group to an outdoor café, the perfect area for a serene brunch under the midday sun. Everyone got a cursory drink and light pastry or snack. Well, all except Luna. Out of the seven, she was particularly famished, so she got a coffee, a flatbread sandwich, and a cup of mixed fruit, all paid for by Wanda's generous hand. Luna was embarrassed and offered to pay her back when she could, but Wanda kindly waved it off. It was a gift, and she was honored to take care of her friend for once.

Still, Luna stayed as far away from the center of attention as she could so she could eat in peace. Natasha was enthralled in conversation with Gamora and Nebula, and Mantis was savoring her beverage so much she couldn't be bothered with anything else. Shuri was busy with her phone, texting someone or a group of someones, so Wanda was left to her devices with Luna.

"So," she asked after a sip of her juice, "what did you get again?"

"Oh," Luna looked down, "I got the, uh, roti chaud. There's no meat in it, and also it sounds familiar, so I had to try it." She took another bite. "It's really good."

"Looks good, too. Maybe I'll try that later." Wanda bit into her pastry. "So, how did your date go?" Luna looked at her in surprise. "It's been a few days, and I still haven't gotten a proper answer."

"Oh, yeah," Luna mumbled and dabbed her mouth with a napkin. "It was, uh," she fiddled with the napkin, "it was really good. Loki took me out for dinner and a bit of browsing at the market, then we went to watch the sunset, and we, uh," she bit her lip, "it was nice."

Wanda almost laughed. "Nice? Just nice? Since then, you two have been practically inseparable."

Luna scoffed. "Oh, come on, we know when to leave each other alone."

Wanda pursed her lips. "Mhm, and that didn't include last night?"

"That was different," Luna whispered.

"Last night?!" Shuri said, feeling quite alarmed. She set her phone down loudly and kept all her attention on the conversation before her. "What happened?"

"Yeah," said Natasha, equally as enthralled. "What happened?"

"Yeah, what happened!" Mantis said and turned to Gamora. "What's happening?" Gamora shrugged, despite knowing precisely what was happening and that there was a bet involving a certain amount of money involved, as well as bragging rights to the victors. She wasn't concerned with any of it, but the action certainly amused her.

Luna put her hands up. "Nothing, I swear! We just slept together!" She watched Natasha's jaw drop, and Luna slapped her hands over her mouth. "No!" she pleaded through her hands. "No, I didn't mean it like that!"

Natasha and Wanda burst into laughter as Shuri fanned her face. Gamora and Mantis joined in the laughter, as well as Nebula, but she kept her lower face hidden behind her hand. Once Natasha gained more self-control, she cleared her throat and held a hand out to Luna.

"Ok, ok, I just have to know," she began, trying not to giggle. "Is he packing?"

Shuri shut her eyes and clamped her hands over her ears. "Ah no! My young ears! No!"

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