Pt. 43: Down Comes The Wall

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That moment when you learn that bae has the same dark secrets as you #justbaethings (you will cry like a little bitch when you read this because I sure did)

A/N: ooh y' all this is a doozy. If you feel like you will cry when you read this or you're just an easy crier by nature and you don't want to publicly display your emotions like that, do please read this in a private place. My stupid ass cried more than once when I wrote this, so use discretion. We're crying in the club tonight, fellas. (I warned you. Heed it, please.) As always, songs are linked at the end.


Luna's day began like any other: wake up, do the morning skincare routine, put on day clothes, make breakfast, have it with Loki, and leave for work. Traffic was a little heavier than usual, making her arrive twenty minutes late. She knew she wouldn't be reprimanded, though. Tony had a forgiving heart, and he favored her enough to let her have a piece of it.

But she made one change to her daily schedule: she placed an exercise session at the gym into her lunch hour, making a promise to herself to eat lunch after she was done. One small change with no significant consequences. Right?

She ran briskly on the treadmill to her favorite hard rock and metal songs played over the loudspeaker. They were part of her private collection of music. Before Loki, she would play them casually, whenever she liked, but now, she didn't know if he would like them or not. It was of no importance to ask. Her things were hers to share at her discretion.

As Luna mouthed the words to 'Shadow Moses,' the music cut out and was replaced with FRIDAY's voice.

"Excuse me, miss, but I have an urgent message from Mr. Stark."

Luna stopped the machine and took a few seconds to catch her breath. "What is it?"

"He wanted me to tell you that an underground pipe has burst and there will be no water available in the compound for the rest of the day."

"What?!" she exclaimed. "But I need to shower!"

"All the employees have been given paid leave for the remainder of the afternoon, starting now."

"Ugh." Luna leaned against the handle of the treadmill. "Tell him I copy and that I'm almost done here, so there's no need to kick me out. I'll just finish up and go."

"I will let him know."

"Thanks, FRIDAY." The AI cut off and put Luna's music back on. Half-heartedly, she resumed the machine and completed the mile she was on.

Begrudgingly, she made a point to steer clear of the locker room. Sweat covered every inch of her body, and it got more uncomfortable with each passing second. She hurriedly packed her bags, rechecked everything in the lab, locked the door, and bolted to her car. On the way, she dialed Loki.

"Hello?" he greeted.

"Hey!" Though Luna's mood was soured, she answered with a smile. "Uh, I'm just calling to let you know that I'm heading home early, so you don't have to get all weird when I appear earlier than usual."

"Oh, really? Any particular reason why?"

"Actually, yes." She opened the car door and threw her bags into the back seat. "A pipe burst at the compound, so there's no water for anyone to use and they're kicking everyone out. Plus, I just finished in the gym, and I need a shower really bad, so I will be racing home quite literally." She got into the driver's seat and locked the door. The bare skin of her arms and hands stuck to the seat and steering wheel. She silently cringed.

"I guess I will see you very soon."

"Indeed, you will. Bye."


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