Pt. 65: Jekyll, Meet Hyde

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A/N: Hey, folks! Wow, here's another Big Boi! I know I cut it so you can have the shorter chapter before this, and I know this is long, but I can give you Big Content now :D My brain has felt like that Mr. Krabs meme for a while now, so I think I reflected that in this chapter. And I am so happy to get this chapter out for my birthday! This fic has been with me for three birthdays, so this means a lot. Also, I made an aesthetic/mood playlist! It's a work in progress, but it's full of songs I think fit with Loki, Luna, and how they are with each other at various points in their relationship. It's different from the soundtrack playlist (which I will have to add to at some point) but I think it's good

You Look So Good In Blue:


The nurse blinked at Luna. "I'm sorry. What worked?"

"I have to ... I have to see Loki. I have to see him." Luna rotated where she sat and planted her bare feet on the cold floor, but as she shifted her weight, she collapsed to her hands and knees.

"Ok, now." The nurse offered her support, and Luna took it, pulling herself up and resting against the bed. "Here, drink this." She opened and offered the bottle. Luna took it and eyed the contents. The liquid inside was almost black. "It's mineral water. It'll help balance you."

Luna nodded weakly and took a sip. Her throat was so dry, it took forever to swallow, but as she continued drinking, it got easier. As she finished the last drops, her head was considerably clearer, and she felt more stable. Now, she could stand firmly on her feet without issue.

Luna looked astonishingly at the empty container. "Wow, that really helped. Thank you."

"Good, and you're welcome. Now, since you've been out since last night, I will need to call your supervising doctor to do a routine check on you."

"Uh, yeah. S-sure."

"I won't take long, but as you wait, you can use the restroom there if you need it." The nurse gestured to the door on the other side of the room.

"Uh-huh. I'll do that." As the nurse turned to leave, Luna reached for her. "Wait. Uh, have you seen a pair of glasses anywhere? The lenses are, um, about this big," she held her fingers in a vague circle, "and black-rimmed."

"I'm sorry I have not, but we can provide a temporary pair."

Luna felt so grateful, she felt like crying. "I'd like that. Thank you."e

"If that is all you need, I'll be right back."

Luna nodded and watched her nurse turn and leave the room. Swallowing nervously, she slowly made her way to the restroom. She needed some relief there, but in her inability to see, she needed to be careful. She watched her step through squinted eyes and around the room in case of anything unknown.

Her eye drifted to the table near the wall and made out a blurry shape of colors. She walked closer, and they became clearer and recognizable as flowers. She knelt, her face close to them, and she admired them. The inside of her nose felt itchy, making the bouquet's fragrance almost lost to her, but it was the blue rose that pulled her heart. She stroked its petals and felt her throat grow tight. Loki got it for her from her home. There was no other way it would be in the room.

Luna stepped into the little restroom and squinted it all the things in front of her. The counter and shelf looked stocked with the essential toiletries: soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush, skin cream, and fresh towels.

After using the toilet, she washed her hands. She felt antsy and alien in a place she'd never been before. Compared to the hospitals in America, the room was beyond exquisite. It was clean without the icky sterile feeling, and the hospital clothes were nothing like the papery gowns she expected. As she washed her face, she wondered how much they would charge her for the night and extra services. Picturing the price tag made her stomach flip, and she felt close to dry-heaving, so she flushed water on her face and took deep breathes through the mouth. After she found Loki, she'd worry about everything else.

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