Pt. 72: Battle of Lords

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Can you believe I finished a chapter before the month was out? Incredible. Anywho, a Happy Pride to all my queer/trans readers (I know you're there, I can see you) and a happy day to everyone reading <3

The Soundtrack So Far:

You Look So Good In Blue (mood playlist):


Luna took a forkful of her lunch and pointed the empty utensil at Loki.

"Ok, but hear me out: if Thor did not have any powers or extra strength, could M'Baku beat him in hand-to-hand combat?"

Loki rubbed his chin. "Does he still have his age?"

Luna looked off to the side and nodded. "Yes, he can still have it."

"Then no, he wouldn't." Loki sipped his coffee. "Thor has trained for hundreds of years longer than Lord M'Baku."

"Aha, but while the Jabari fighting style is just as old as the Asgardian style, they're still very different." Luna took another bite and hummed in excitement. "What about weapons? How would they compare with those?"

Loki tilted his head. "Depends. Thor can wield much more than a hammer or an ax."

"I don't doubt it." Luna took the last bites of her meal and pulled out her new phone. Glancing at the time, she gasped softly. "It's almost starting! We gotta hurry!"

Luna tried chugging the rest of her coffee but stopped short to cough. It was hot and too much to take all at once. She went for another go but paused as Loki loudly cleared his throat. She slowly turned her head and saw him holding two to-go coffee cups, one containing the rest of his coffee and an empty one for her to take. Feeling embarrassed, Luna steadily took the empty cup and poured the rest of her coffee into it.

"So you just," Luna started and waved her hand in the air, alluding to his magic. Loki smiled and giggled.

"Yes, I did." He watched her close the cup and check the table for anything she missed. "So dramatic," he commented as she walked around to his side.

"Hey," Luna said in a slighted manner, "takes one to know one." Loki cackled at her statement, and she shared in his amusement. On their way to the exit, he quickly paid for their meals and bid the cashier farewell.

"So, our plan," Loki started, and Luna hummed in acknowledgment.

"Yes, our plan." She pushed to door open and stepped onto the sidewalk. "After Thor's fight – which he'll most likely win."

"Most likely."

"We use the Stones to pop over to my apartment, grab everything as fast as we can, and get the landlord to break my lease. I mean, if it's really out in public that I helped you, he'll for sure want me gone."

"The faster, the better, I presume?"

"Oh yes. I do not want to drag it out, even if I have to pay the remaining month's rent. But on the topic of what we were talking about before," Luna looked around at the sparsely-populated street, "how are we supposed to get to the place?"

"Like this," Loki answered and conjured up his horned crown, the Space Stone shining brightly from its home in the center. The dark cloudy gateway opened before them, and Loki grinned down at Luna.

"Ok, Mr. Magic Man." She took a step forward. "But wait, what about what Tony said?"

"I don't have to listen to Tony about everything. Besides, this is Wakanda, a world away from the world. There's a reason we've been safe here all this time." Loki took her hand. "So, shall we?"

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