Pt. 61: When The Past Meets The Present

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A/N: Wow! It's been a while, huh?! Yeah, sorry for the super huge delay. I was working very hard at this class to pass, but guess what! I passed it! Yay! So this new chapter is as much a gift for y'all as it is for me. Feels good to upload again, even if I could only write a little at a time.


Bruce in tow, Loki stepped through the portal and into Luna's living room. He surveyed the area, and nothing appeared out of place, save for the aforementioned owner. Fear struck his spine, and he called out to her.


Muffled shuffling met his ears, followed by the sound of a door swooshing open.

"Loki!" Luna scampered into the room and made a beeline for Loki. He pushed his crown off and took her into his arms, sweeping her off her feet.

Bruce caught the crown before it hit the ground and turned it over in wonderment. He looked up to see the odd couple in an embrace so tight he couldn't tell where one started and the other ended. He was at a total loss, with so many questions buzzing around in his head he didn't know which one to pick first. How did Loki get to Earth, and how long was he here? Who was the person holding onto him, and how did he know them? He thought if he stared long enough, the answer would appear to him, but the only thing he got was a sense of shame, like he was intruding on something private and intimate, so he bent his head.

Sooner rather than later, Loki set Luna on the ground and loosened his grip.

"Are you ok?" Luna breathed in his ear.

"I'm alright," he replied, pulling back and cradling her face. "Are you?"

She nodded. "Yeah." Her expression grew worrisome as she looked him in the eye. "It's happening, isn't it?"

"Yes," Loki said, voice somber. "I'm sorry, dear."

"Don't be." Luna slid his hands from her face and held them. "Where's Tony? Everyone on social media is freaking out."

"He's on one of the ships."

"Oh no," she gasped, stepping back.

"Luna," Loki spoke softly, "Peter's there, too."

"No!" Luna clutched at her heart. Loki felt like doing the same. She wanted to cry, but she swallowed her panic and nodded. "He's smart, and he's with Tony. He'll be fine." She flexed her jaw muscles and braced her back. "Is Thanos here yet?"

Bruce stepped forward, alerting the two to his presence. "No, but he will be. Very soon." He glanced at Loki's crown, still in his hands, and handed it over. "Oh, uh, here." Loki nodded in thanks as he took it and made it vanish.

Luna paced back and forth, hands on her hips. "Ok ... ok, ok. What do we do now?"

"We have to go somewhere safer. Preferably the Tower." Bruce held up the flip phone. "Once I call Steve, we should all meet there."

"About that," Loki and Luna said in unison. They exchanged an awkward look, and Luna continued. "Tony sold the Tower to invest in a compound upstate."

"Ok. Does Steve know about it?"


"And you know how to get there?"

Luna lifted a hand. "Yeah, it's my workplace."

Bruce smiled a little. "Perfect."

"I'll go get my keys." Luna pivoted to leave, but Loki caught her arm.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't drive, darling," he said. "The roads are dangerous."

"I'm not staying here, not while those weird things are out there."

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