Pt. 52: Gone Viral

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A/N: Hello, folks! New chapter! Yay! Alrighty, we are revisiting the lab again! More science and such things and the like. Gonna look back at the rose and the zebrafish from all those chapters ago. Remember the fish? The zebrafish Luna did some gene-splicing experiment on after the worm? I sure do. Yes, I know I haven't mentioned it in a while, but that's because there were more notable things to talk about first. We need a little mundanity now and then. Also, it's been about 5 chapters, so it's high time for more music!


The remaining vacation days were as unexciting as the duo had hoped. They visited a couple museums, a restaurant for dinner and a café for lunch, and then returned home. It was a smooth ride, save for a spot of traffic in the afternoon. Luna gave herself enough time to account for such instances so she wouldn't worry herself. Naturally, Loki slept for most of the journey, but not before taking Luna's hand in his and holding it for as long as he could. He was glad she didn't demand an explanation because he hadn't prepared one.

Another day of rest and unwinding in the apartment and Luna was back on the grind at work. Though she'd been away for a week, it felt like an eternity. As she walked into the building and to the lab, she was tempted to turn back around and go somewhere else. Anywhere other than the workplace. But she kept going, scanning her card and making herself known.

"Hello, miss," FRIDAY said as Luna stowed away her bags and jacket, "welcome back."

"Hello, FRIDAY. It's good to be back."

"How was your vacation? Eventful, I hope."

Luna chuckled and shrugged on her lab coat. "Oh, you have no idea."

"No, I wouldn't, would I?" FRIDAY snarked a little.

"Any messages for me?"

"A few from Mr. Stark, but no high-priority items."

"Ok. What are they about?"

"He wants a lab meeting soon." Luna's body stiffened. It'd been a while since she talked about her work with him. She didn't know what she'd tell him.

But she huffed and snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. "Alright. I'll see him about that later. Thanks, FRIDAY."

"You're welcome. Care for any music while you work?"

"Uh, yeah. Just throw on whatever." As Luna unlocked a drawer and took out her lab notebook, 'Twilight Zone' played through the room speakers. Her ears perked up at the familiar notes. "Ooh, nice," she said, turning to the last page she wrote in before vacation. Bobbing her head, she read over the tasks for the day. First things first, she needed to clean and change the filters to the fish tank.

As far as she could tell, the little fish was thriving. It swam contentedly about its tank and pecked at any particles it saw. Luna checked the UV light and changed the active-carbon filter. The filter pad was nearly black with sediment and dirt. Cringing, she folded it up and slid a new one in place. The pH and temperature levels in the water remained steady and fluctuated within the safe zones for them. Luna was thankful. She would have hated to have come back to an emergency.

Rinsing her hands off, she gingerly disconnected the pumps to the tank and took it to the sink. Her little fish didn't seem perturbed by the sudden movement, though it did thrash a bit as Luna lifted it out with a net. She silently apologized to it. She didn't mean to cause it any distress. It calmed down once it was in the fresh tank and knew everything was ok again. As an added comfort, Luna gave it a bit of dry food, and it inhaled all of it before it was back under the care of the system. She connected the tank back to the water pumps and breathed a sigh of relief. One job is done for the day.

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