Pt. 31: The Visitor

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In the wee hours of the morning, sleep left Loki to fend for himself in the dark. He opened his eyes slowly and searched for any threat or presence daring to stir him. He spotted none, but lo and behold, someone was fiddling with the window latch.

Loki quietly rose to his feet, ready to attack if need be. He crept to the corner by the lamp and lay a finger on the switch. A surprise would be best, he reckoned. The shadowy figure slowly slid the window open and reached one hand in, then the other. They felt around and grazed against a table beneath the windowsill. The hands hovered and grasped either edge of the open window.

A head appeared through the open space, followed by the torso and a leg. The stranger raised a hand up onto the wall, gripping the flat surface, and put the other above it. Loki was dumbfounded. The intruder was crawling up the wall and onto the ceiling. It wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen in his life, but he could not have envisioned this at such a time and in such a place.

Loki waited for them to make a silent landing on the ground to turn on the light.

"What are you doing here?!" he commanded, eliciting a muffled shriek from the masked individual.

"Loki! Wait, wha-what are you doing here?!" They pointed at him. Loki took three wide steps and grabbed them by the shoulders.

"How do you know who I am?!"

The confrontation was interrupted by some loud swearing, clattering, and the door to Luna's bedroom swooshing open. With a well-placed scowl, she charged at the two.

"Loki! Peter! What is going on?!" She looked at Peter. "Why are you here?!"

The discoveries never stop for Loki, it seems. "Peter?!" he exclaims, letting go of the boy.

"Why is Loki in your apartment?!" Peter says, frantic and winded from the old mask over his face.

"Why is he dressed like Spider-Man?!"

"Because he is Spider-Man!" Luna yells louder than the two boys, stunning them silent. "Peter, why are you in my apartment at 2 am?!"

Peter yanks off the mask and reveals his wet face, skin flushed from the cold. Loki is at a loss for words.

"I was out swinging around, and I ran out of web fluid, and I forgot to pack extra so I fell and I was too tired to go back home, and yours was closest, so I thought I could just crash here." He paused and took a few short breaths. "I was gonna leave you a note under your bedroom door and sleep on the couch. I didn't know he was here!" Peter finishes rambling and hangs his head. "I'm sorry."

Luna's shoulders drop as she places a comforting hand on his arm. "It's ok, Peter. It's ok." She cradles his cheek, lifting his head up. "Oh, you're freezing. Come on, let's get you something nice and warm to drink before we do anything else." She leads him to the counter and seats him. "And give me your shoes." He pulls them off and hands them to her. She puts them by the door and strolls into the kitchen. "Tell me, why're you wearing your old suit? The other one would've kept you warmer."

"I didn't want Mr. Stark tracking me." Peter fiddles with his cold hands. "He gave me hell when I took it out the first time, and I didn't want to bother him on his vacation with Ms. Potts."

"Yeah," Luna says sympathetically, recalling the drama surrounding the incident. "You want some hot chocolate?"

Peter nods. "Mhm. If it's not too much trouble."

"Of course not." Luna squeezes Peter's forearm reassuringly, and she catches him wince. "Peter, you're hurt."

"Nah, I'm fine." He waves his other hand. "I heal real fast anyway."

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