Pt. 49: Compromised

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A/N: Wowza, here we go, folks. Another super long boi. Why I do this to y'all and myself, I don't know. I just have lots of feelings as you're about to read. Like I said before, this is a doozy, so be careful. We're touching on heavy subjects today. Big biphobia ahead (eugh). This was hard to write, but I think it turned out well. And to all my fellow queers (because I know you're there), I love you and you're all so cool.


Loki was agitated for the remainder of the day, and Luna was at her wit's end. She understood his guilty conscience, but it was difficult to get him to listen to reason. He kept his head down, his sentences short, and his shoulders stiff. Their dinner of smoked salmon, cream cheese, and toast eased his spirits, but not as much as she would have liked. But there was hope he would sleep it off, so she let it go for the night.

As usual, Luna woke up first, and as she opened her eyes, she discovered her arm had draped itself across Loki's abdomen. She was close to snuggling her nose into his side, and her shin was touching his. She clenched her teeth together. She'd broken her own rule again. Shame on her.

Using the arm she was lying on, she pushed away, releasing the hold she had on him. She gradually lifted the covers and shuffled out from underneath them. It was easy to miss the warmth they provided, but the call to use the restroom and drink water overpowered any desire to keep resting. Still, she took a few extra seconds to admire her slumbering bedmate. For lack of better words, Loki looked like an angel. He was so beautiful, so soft, and so at peace. It felt like torture for Luna to tear herself away, but she had to. They had a whole day ahead of them.

Luna freshened herself up in the bathroom, took a big gulp of water, and undressed from her sleeping clothes. As comfortable as they were, she wasn't keen on making and having breakfast in them. Donning an outfit suitable for going out, she cracked a couple eggs in a bowl, added salt, pepper, and herbs, and whisked it together with a fork. She heat up some oil in a pan, opened the bag of sliced bread, and got to making French toast. Loki had adored it whenever she'd made it in the past, so she made it again in the hopes he'd have a satisfying time waking up.

Over the loud sizzle of the oil, Luna heard a rustling coming from the bedroom. She grinned, having no doubt in her mind Loki enjoyed the aroma of a fresh hot breakfast. She loved it too. It was hard to not eat it right off the pan, but she knew she would savor it more with her friend.

As she pulled the last piece of the pan and turned off the heat, a set of heavy shuffling footsteps made themselves known. Luna carried the plate full of fresh toast to the table, and on the way, greeted Loki with her usual 'good morning.' He never bothered to change out of his sleeping clothes into day clothes before breakfast, but it didn't matter. So long as he was comfortable, it was perfect.

"I made French toast," Luna said, gesturing to the table as she grabbed two more plates.

"Yes, I see." Loki's voice was even, but his eyes held interest. He felt his hunger grow stronger as his drowsy state dwindled.

Luna served up two mugs of hot coffee and two glasses of water. The two of them ate in silence, opting to listen to the birds and anyone chattering outside. It made for dull entertainment, but Luna didn't plan to stay in the room all day.

"I was thinking we could visit the art museum," she said in between bites.

Loki nods. "Anything particularly interesting?"

"Mm, no. I just think it would be nice." Luna takes a sip of her coffee. "You know, see a Van Gogh, maybe some Monet. The usual classics."

Loki tilts his head and smirks. "Sounds like a plan."

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