Pt. 51: The Day After

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A/N: New chapter! Yay! Ugh I know these take forever to make, but I love making good things I'm confident in so y'all can read it and like it (at least I hope y'all like my thing here <3). How was that last chapter? Didn't see that coming, did ya? Not gonna lie, I was counting on it XD


Luna's first conscious feeling was her body being heavy. Not her physical self, but of something resting on her, like a weighted blanket. But it couldn't have been one. She didn't have one, the room didn't come with one, and if it did, nothing was on the bed but the designated comforter and thin sheet beneath it.

Opening her eyes, she was met with a large hand. A hand she was loosely holding on to. Loki's hand. She must have moved during her slumber and dragged him along. Feeling slowly came back to her, and she felt the distinct contact of his body pressed against her back as well as his slow breathes on her neck.

Heat prickled at Luna's cheeks. Never before had she lay with someone like this, let alone someone like him. Feeling her whole body flush, she gradually eased out of his limp grasp and from under the covers. She knelt on the bed and fanned her face to cool down. Loki, with nothing to hold, rolled onto his back and kept sleeping soundly.

She didn't know what to think. Should she start her day and leave him to continue sleeping? Or go back to snoozing by his side? It was embarrassing, but she felt drowsy. She knew she couldn't break her own rule, but at the same time, she desperately wanted to. It was quite clear: 'no unnecessary touching while asleep.' But it felt so lovely, and she'd slept so soundly. And from the looks of it, so did he.

Sighing, Luna got back under the covers and pushed closer to her dear friend. She lay a hand steadily on his broad chest. He didn't move, so she followed with her head and eased a leg over one of his. His heart and lungs sounded loud in her ear, like the dull turning of deep ocean waves. It was a lulling sound, and halfway into her dozing, she felt arms wrap around her, one hand on her shoulder and another on her hip.

Luna came to again by the sensation of being slowly slid off of her resting place. She wasn't ready to leave, so she tightened her grip, rubbing her cheek into Loki's chest to solidify her point.

"What about your rule?" he asked, voice gravely. The low timbre of it sounded different with an ear pressed to his ribs. Luna sighed.

"Forget the rule." Loki put his hands back where they were.

"You sure?" She groaned loudly in response. He didn't press her further, but he needed to make sure she was aware. "You do know where my hand is, right?"

"Mhm." Luna patted the arm attached to the hand on her hip. But Loki knew what he was touching. He could feel the little bumps through her shorts.

"A-aren't you worried?"

"No." She swiveled her head and looked up at him. "Should I be?" He sensed an edge in her voice.

"No." He squeezed her gently, and she relaxed again, closing her eyes back.

"Besides, it's only fair."

Loki was puzzled. "I'm sorry?"

"After last night," Luna said, opening her eyes and relenting to her present restlessness. "It's only fair that I let you." Loki turned his head, and she felt his chin brush against her hair.

"But, it's not a game of fairness that we're playing."

She looked up at him. "Then what game are we playing?" He was so close, she could see the little flecks of color in his irises.

"A bit of a dramatic one," he uttered. Luna snickered under her breath and tapped a finger on his jaw.

"Good thing you like drama." Loki flashed her a toothy smile, and she settled back into him. He squeezed her shoulder as she yawned and rubbed an eye.

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