Pt. 33: The Break Is Over

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Tony Stark did his best to be a generous man. He was responsible; always trying to upkeep his space and the relationships he was blessed with. Sometimes things fell apart and out of his grasp, but he took it in stride. Tony may have been wealthy and famous his entire life, but he was no stranger to struggle and failure. Based on the positive influences he surrounded himself with, he always found a reason to pick himself back up and keep going.

At the compound, Tony did what he did every time it snowed and arranged for his robots and designated workers to clean the roadways and parking spaces for the employees coming back to work. His vacation renewed him. Devoting time and full attention to his betrothed was a gift in and of itself. As he stood in his office, he made a mental note to take more time away with his love. Pepper Potts would reiterate herself time and time again how much he needed to rest. He complained but never fought her. She was always right.

"Welcome back, boss," FRIDAY greeted. "How was your trip?"

"Romantic as Paris could be." Tony waved a hand, summoning a display. "Say, I forgot. How were the specs on the kid's new suit?"

"Compliant, but a bit tricky." A full-body digital image of the suit spun above the virtual table. "The material from the Commodore spacecraft is an excellent medium, but it requires more physical testing than the usual."

"When do you think it'll be ready?"

"I can have simulation ready within the hour."

Tony plopped down into a desk chair and spun around. "And what about Mark 50?"

"I can do a simultaneous run." An image of his new suit appeared beside Peter's, both rotating in tandem.

"Yup. Do that." Tony got up and jogged over to his bar and fridge, all set with a variety of spices, fruits, and vegetables. "Has our favorite little biologist arrived yet?"

"Yes. Ms. Fields has been here the better part of an hour."

"An hour?!" Tony fiddles with the spoon in his hand, nearly dropping it. "Why didn't you tell me when she got here?"

"It wasn't important. You don't have a meeting scheduled with her today."

"I sure don't," Tony mumbles as he scoops a few spoonful's of turmeric into the blender. Blessed be to Luna for showing him the wonders and benefits of Indian spices. "How about we surprise her?"

"That can be arranged. Will you need her packages as well?"

"Mm-mm." He shook his head, voice muffled behind a dollop of Greek yogurt. "I'll bring her to it. Make a little adventure out of it."

"Of course, boss."

Tony made a delightful blend of leafy greens and juicy reds, portioned appropriately for two. As he waited for his concoction to smooth out, he shrugged on a crisp blazer and a clean pair of Gucci sunglasses. A chiming from the machine drew him to it once again. Careful not to dirty his outfit, he filled two lidded cups and journeyed down to the labs, greeting everyone he could along the way.

The riveting tunes of Duran Duran graced his ears as he slowly approached the biology lab. It was the title song off of his favorite album, 'Rio.' A grin on his face, Tony took the remaining steps to the door and bumped the edge of the doorway with his shoe.

"Knock-knock, Lulu," he greeted. Luna lifted her head from the microscope and flashed him a toothy smile.

"Hey!" Even without her glasses, she could recognize Tony's silhouette anywhere. "Let me wrap this up real quick so I can give you a proper two-armed hug."

Slipping her glasses back on, Luna covered the Petri dish she was examining and turned off the microscope. She hurriedly took off her lab coat and gloves, impatient to wait one moment more. She shuffled over to him and into his open arms, squeezing him tight in her own.

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