Pt. 54: A Regular Ol' Day For A Few Regular Ol' People

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A/N: it's a Saturday now, so the gang is all in one place. Cue the fun!


Luna put the used razor to the side and sat tensely on the stool. Timer in hand, she uncapped the syringe and eased the needle into her skin by the fresh wound. Once she withdrew the needle, she started the timer.

She chose the area near the crook of her arm for this round of experimentation. She was curious if the softer skin would influence healing time or skin integrity. She kept the viral dose remained the same – one milliliter.

As expected, the bleeding stopped, and the skin filled in. Luna stopped the timer as soon as the wound faded out. The whole process took a little over two minutes – less time than the previous trials. She noted it in her lab book and gently stretched the skin with her gloved fingers. She felt no unusual tightness or discomfort, and the bruising was minimal. Almost like her cells were used to it by now. She gave her arm a light pat and concluded her notes.

As Luna pulled her sleeve down and dumped the last of the utensils into the biohazard bag, there was a knock on the door. She peeled back the paper on the window and was greeted by Peter's sweet face. Smiling, she unlocked and opened the door.

"Hi, Peter! So nice to see you!"

"Hey, doc! Good to see you too." He stepped closer and leaned against the door frame. "So, uh, what were you doing just now?"

"Some DNA experiments that you just missed the end of." Luna did her best to sound disappointed, but she couldn't be more relieved.

"Aw, that sucks. I would have liked to see it."

"It was really cool, I'll tell you that."

"Yeah, I bet." Peter tapped his backpack straps. "I wanted to ask you something if that's ok."

"Yeah, go for it."

"After I practice the uneven bars in the gym, can you help me stretch? I've been feeling stiff lately, and I don't think I'm doing it right."

"Oh, of course, I will! I'd be happy to." Peter smiled, pleased he wasn't dismissed. "Let me just finish cleaning up here. You can say hi to Loki while you wait. He should still be in the lounge."

"Cool! I'll, uh, I'll be there. See ya!" Luna waved him off and closed the door.

A little spring in his step, Peter walked down the rest of the hallway and rounded into the lounge. Inside, he saw Loki, sitting in the armchair and looking at his phone with earbuds in. Peter approached gradually so as not to startle him. Loki took notice of shoes coming into his view, and he took his earbuds out.

"Hello, Peter."

"Hey, man. Been a while, hasn't it?" Peter put his backpack down and sat on the closest end of the couch.

"It has. You had spring break recently, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I did. I wrote some papers, studied for midterms, and stopped about three burglaries."

"What a week you had, little spider. Very good," Loki praised.

Peter bent his head, chuckling. "Yeah, thanks." He cleared his throat. "So, uh, what are you doing today?"

"Waiting for one Mr. Tony Stark to call me down to work."

"Oh, on the new suit!" Peter said excitedly. He shifted to the edge of his seat. "How's that coming along?"

"It's still in the testing phase, so I'm pleased to say that it's nearly finished."

"Ooh, I can't wait to see it." Peter smiled brightly at the prospect but paused as he caught sight of something. "Hey, your hair looks different." He leaned closer, and Loki sat up straight.

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