Pt. 7: First Day Alone

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Loki stared at the wall before returning his gaze to his novel. Well, technically it wasn't his novel, but since Luna's apartment was also his for an indefinite amount of time, it might as well belong to him. He found these Midgardian stories to be captivating.

However, the words on the page did little to deter him from lifting his attention every now and then to observe his surroundings. He didn't know where or when Thanos and his Black Order would show up and he really didn't feel like being found out at the moment. He had hoped that the doppelganger he left would steer them the long way around to give him and Thor extra time, but it did not work as well as he had intended. At least, for now, Thanos was not onto him. It broke his heart to know he had most likely broken Thor's in the process. Luna's seemingly infinite kindness served as a buffer for any negative emotions he felt, but her absence caused them to creep up the back of his brain once again. He gripped the book in his hands a little tighter.

Upon reaching the conclusion, Loki closed the back cover and stared absentmindedly at the words on the back. He slowly got up to put it back in its spot on the shelf and pick up the next one, but as he reached for it, he stopped and looked at his outstretched hand and then to both of them. He concentrated for a few seconds to create a simple illusion. A flower, a snowflake, anything. Try as he did, it was in vain.

He stepped back from the bookshelf, glaring at it but not at the books themselves. He sighed audibly and moved to sit cross-legged on the floor with a hand resting on each knee. He closed his eyes and made a concerted effort to even out his breathing. Like as his mother taught him when he was younger, he cleared his head of all superficial thoughts and focused only on the sound and feel of his beating heart. Time seemed to slow and the silence surrounding him grew louder. Just a little bit more.

There, he finally found it. The small flame of life in his soul. He slowly reached for it, but something blocked him. He tried again and was thrown back harder. He opened his eyes and let out a loud huff. He hated to admit it but the sorcerer was right, this was a hard spell to get around. Loki hoped with every fiber of his being that he would be granted enough time to break it before it was too late for him and the rest of the universe.

He stood up slowly and looked around the small living room. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he deliberated on what he should do to bide the time away. He could keep reading, but he believed himself capable of ripping one in half, and that would not go over well with his companion, so he left it be.

Loki went to grab a spot on the couch he slept on and switched the television on. What he was met with was a replay of Stark's press conference that was held the other day. Sneering, he shut it off. Luna had watched it when it was being played live to make sure Tony stuck to what they agreed with him saying. Loki did not want to endure it again.

He covered his face with his hands and shook his head a little. He felt a sense of hopelessness, and he hated feeling hopeless. Stuck on a planet by himself with no magic at the moment, his fate primarily in the hands of one person. One human person. How pathetic. He was, however, getting everything he wanted without having to use that silvertongue of his. A curious situation he was interested to see play out.

From his seat, he looked around once more, this time admiring the wall decor. There were pictures strewn about wherever they could fit. Some were photographs while others were works of art. Most were images or likenesses of different animals and landscapes. The ones containing people caught Loki's eye.

He approached the first one. Contained within the frame was a photo of a couple, a man and a woman. Loki assumed them to be Luna's parents. His suspicions were further confirmed as the woman had Luna's smile and the man had a similar shaped nose.

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