Pt. 8: Time Travel

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The pavement was graced with the clacks of two sets of boots instead of one.

"Ok, if anyone asks you anything, say you're my cousin, and you're hoping to land a boring desk job."

"That doesn't sound too convincing."

"Nobody really cares here. Just don't say who you really are and everything should be smooth sailing." Luna and Loki pushed their glasses up in sync. "Act like you belong, and no one will look twice." An easy task for Loki in particular. Luna opened the door and slipped inside, holding it open for Loki. Not many people were around and even less looked in their direction. Only essential personnel were on site over the weekend, and they usually spent nearly the entire time at their workstations.

Luna unlocked the lab door and turned the lights on, letting it close behind Loki. She shed her jacket and placed it in the designated cupboard along with her bag.

"Just like I said last week, don't touch anything," she said, pausing to wash her hands. "You can wait in the lounge until Tony calls, whenever that'll be. I'll be right here if you need anything." She shrugged on her lab coat and gave Loki a warm smile. He mirrored it with his own and slowly walked to the lounge. Book in hand, he eased himself down and opened his book to read. Had he access to his magic, he'd manipulate the situation so he wouldn't have to deal with Stark. However, the thought of besting him in intellectual combat was too tempting to resist.

Luna took her time with inventory, her nerves on edge with Loki on center once again. Not even the beautiful voice of Nick Jonas could calm them. Having him interact with Tony wasn't the best idea of the year, but it wasn't the worst either. She hoped it would benefit the both of them. Tony needed to spend more time out of work, and Loki needed to be busy with something other than burning through her book collection. On her third recount of pipette tip boxes, a knock and a muffled 'knock, knock, doc' drew her attention. There, in the small door window, was a familiar smiling face. Luna set her paper down and gleefully opened the door.

"Peterman! You are almost an hour early!"

"Well, you know, I felt like practicing being punctual for when I get a real job." Luna let out a dramatic gasp and put a hand over her chest.

"Peter, you don't consider this a real job? Just wait till Tony hears about this." She snickers at his wide-eyed expression. "I'm joking, I'm joking. So anyway, how was Homecoming last night?"

"Oh you know, it was good. I went with friends this time like you suggested," Peter said, yawning in the middle.

"Good. Friends are always the best way to go. Oh, and how's May doing?"

"She's good, she's doing real good." Peter put his bag in the cupboard next to Luna's. "She went on a date last night."

"A date? With who?"

"Take a wild guess." Luna accepted the challenge and thought, humming as an idea came to her.

"Sticky rice guy?" She whispered. Peter snapped his fingers and pointed a finger-gun at her. "No way!" She squealed.

"Yeah! He finally asked with free pad thai and a cheesy card. Aunt May loves those, so she said yes instantly." He rubbed his eyes and smiled.

"Oh, that is so cute! He better treat her right, or I'm gonna come for him."

"Get in line," he said, going to wash his hands but was stopped by the corner of a table. He groaned softly and rubbed the spot his leg bumped. He made it to the sink without another incident, but he was not as sneaky as he believed himself to be. Luna appeared by his side, being careful not to startle him.

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