Pt. 69: You Look So Good In Blue

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A/N: I wanted this chapter to be up on Valentine's Day, but ... it's not. Sorry about that. It's a big boi today, folks! I won't lie, I got real antsy writing this one, so I hope you like it!

The Soundtrack So Far:

You Look So Good In Blue:


When Loki finally awoke, he found himself alone. The sun was shining a bit low in the sky. He could feel it was morning, but on which day, he didn't know. Gathering the meager amount of strength he had, he pushed the covers off and sat upright. His legs shook as he stood and ambled his way to the washroom for a bath. Well, it wasn't so much a bath as it was a long soak in warm water accompanied by some lavender soap.

Loki felt so soothed and relaxed, he was tempted to tilt his head back and sleep some more, but the rumbling in his stomach kept him from doing so. He was so hungry; it was painful. It made getting out of the bath much more difficult than getting into it, but through sheer determination and five minutes of trying, he managed to haul himself out and slowly dry off.

For his day outfit, he picked an unceremonious long-sleeve shirt and complementing drawstring pants. Loki brushed his wet hair back as he checked his reflection. Even in his readiness to go outside, he wanted to crawl back under the covers and doze off, but no matter how cloudy his head was, he was smart. He knew what he needed was food, not more sleep.

Slipping on his shoes, Loki shuffled out of his room and down the hall. His mind fell in and out of forming a plan on getting the food he so desperately needed. To his knowledge, he had no acceptable currency, so shopping was out. He silently hoped he'd run into someone he knew and ask what he should do. Perhaps Tony or Natasha. They seemed to know their way around by now.

As he rounded the corner to the adjoining hallway, he found someone equally as helpful.

Princess Shuri looked up from her tablet and greeted Loki with a bright smile. "Oh wow, look who's finally up!"

"Yes, hello." Loki sounded less enthusiastic than he felt. Indeed, he was happy to see her as well.

"You missed yet another victory dinner."


Shuri pat his shoulder. "That's ok. Thor and Wanda slept through it too."

"I imagine."

She studied his face and squinted her eyes. He looked and sounded too weary for her to ignore. "On the same subject, you must be starving. Lucky for you, I am fully capable of treating you to brunch."

"Brunch," Loki echoed languidly. "What day is it?"

"It's a Monday. But if you want to know how long you were out, it's been a day and a half." Shuri pulled up a calendar on her tablet and held it up to his view. "Would've been two days if you slept a few more hours."

"Hm," Loki hummed. He stared at the screen until Shuri took it back and turned it off.

"But enough questions. Let's get some food in you first."

Loki tilted his head. "Not to sound rude, but why are you here? I figured you'd be working in your lab on ... something."

"My reason is work-related. I came to see if Nebula was here. I have some things to discuss with her."

He nodded. "Oh. I don't know if she is."

"Well, never mind that." Shuri touched his shoulder. "I can see her later. It's you I haven't talked to enough."

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