Pt. 42: Peter Parker and His Shadow

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A/N: Aaaaand we're back in it, folks! Another long boi, or as we can consider now, a regular-sized chapter lmao and as always, songs are linked at the end <3


It was another lucky Saturday. Luna was beaming with excitement to continue her work, and Loki was looking forward to seeing Peter again. The teen had explicitly asked for him to come by, whether or not Tony had a job for him to do. Luna's good mood eased any apprehension he had about it. Tony never held back during his testing periods.

Loki situated himself in the lounge as he always did. Luna made sure he had everything he needed – book, coffee, phone, a spare granola bar she conveniently remembered for him – and left him be. The quiet – save for the muted buzzing of the lights and air conditioning – put him off, so he turned on his music. Luna was kind enough to let him share her list with him. How generous she always was with him.

He put in his earbuds, hit shuffle, and skipped a few tracks. There were many songs he liked, but he was in the mood for something new. A soft, plucky synth tune greeted his ears. One he hadn't heard before. Loki bent his head and read the title of the song. 'That Thing.' He didn't recognize it, but he liked it. The vocals, as they started, were hushed and melodic. It soothed him.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, tapping his finger to the beat. If he was at home and Luna wasn't busy, now would be the time he would ask her for a dance. How he would dance to such a song, he wasn't sure, but he would make it up as he went. It wasn't his best skill – going with the flow – but with her, his beautiful friend, it didn't matter.

In the quiet between songs, he heard a door slam, the tap-tap of scrambling feet, and a faint exclaim. Getting up to inspect, he spotted Luna running to the end of the hallway and zooming around the corner. Loki frowned. He was tempted to investigate the matter but decided against it. It was wiser to stay put. Luna would come back and explain when she was able.

In the meantime, he was not yet content with his song, so he started it back and over again. In the middle of a repeated listen, he felt an oncoming presence to his left. He opened one eye to spy on whoever could be sneaking up on him. But lo and behold, it was no one he should be concerned about.

He took out an earbud and was greeted by a cheery voice.

"Oh, hey, Mr. Loki, you're here!" Peter dropped his bookbag on the floor and sat next to Loki.

"Yes, I am," Loki chimed back, his little smile giving away his delight to see him.

Peter got right to it. "Ok, I have a lot to tell you and whatever, but first things first: did she like it?"

Loki didn't need any further context. "She sure did," he said, his smile growing. Peter's shoulders relaxed as his face displayed a delighted grin. "I must thank you for your assistance."

Peter shook his head. "Oh no, you don't have to. I was happy to help. And besides, I offered."

"That you did, but I truly am grateful."

Peter said nothing more, his bashfulness taking his words from him. He was happy to assist in the progression of their relationship. He greatly wished to know where they were in it, but he couldn't come out and ask. Loki would clam up, and so would Luna if he got the chance to ask her. He remained silent on the issue and would probe later, for he had another thing on his mind.

"Maybe you can help me with something."

Loki paused his music and put away his earbuds. "How may I assist you?" He folded his hands neatly in his lap.

Peter turned in his seat a little more. "Ok, so my friends and I are having a debate about something, and we've reached a stalemate, so your opinion is super important."

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