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[author's pov]

"HUSH, CONI!" Y/n Monroe shouted at her fluffy, white pup. But the demon-dog persisted, barking at the window.

Y/n decided not to bother her, since Coni was using her 'strong dog' instincts, protecting the house from what was probably a squirrel.

Y/n sighed and zipped up her suitcase, which was filled with useless junk she couldn't bring herself to throw away.

"Can i keep this?" asked her bestfriend Blaire, who was determined to walk out of this room with at least one of Y/n's things in her hands.

"No, B. That's my fucking phone charger." Y/n slapped her forehead.

"Well...i don't personally think you need it..." Blaire began wrapping it up around her two first fingers, nonchalantly wanting to steal it.

"Blaire, i said no!" Y/n grabbed the charger and stuffed it into her backpack. "Besides, i'm sure you have your own." Y/n laughed.

She stood back, taking a long look at her empty room.

This was, in fact, the room that she moved into a bit more than three years ago, when filming herself playing Roblox was just beginning to take off and make her money.

She then hired Blaire, whom also played Roblox for a long time. Blaire was her Creative Director. After searching through Twitter for editors, she found a girl who was already editing for another YouTuber, and hired her alongside Blaire. Paige was her Editor, along with two more people who were ZNac and Adam, which were all immensely nice with Y/n and her career.

"Lost in thought, dear?" Blaire popped up and hugged an arm around her as Y/n continued staring.

Her bed was now an empty mattress, and her walls were bare.

The movers sold almost everything in her house, because of Y/n's special request, and the house she was moving into in Florida was fully furnished, so she didn't need to bring furniture or anything.

A single tear rolled down Y/n's cheek, and she pressed her lips into a tight line. 

"Aww...bae..." Blaire faced Y/n.

She pulled her into a long-lasting hug, the type that Blaire was a professional at. Y/n choked.

"I'm gonna miss you." 

"I know you will! But we'll FaceTime every night, k?"


"And you'll text me. Notify me on everything, k?"

"Yuh-yeah." Y/n wiped a tear.

"And plus, you'll have Coni. And she'll remind you of me, right?"

"She will."

"So there's no need to be afraid or worried, Y/n!"

Y/n laughed, despite tears still falling down.

"You'll be fine." she cupped Y/n's face. 

"I will." Y/n agreed with her.

She hugged Y/n once again, then let go.

"Now. We need to get you packed and to the airport! Has Coni ever been flying?"

"I mean," Y/n thought for a moment. "I remember we visited my parents once, so yeah."

"Oh! Then i'm sure she'd be fine with it."

"Yeah." Y/n sighed. 

She grabbed her backpack and her two suitcases. She then bribed Coni into her crate with a piece of bacon and snapped it shut.

"You're driving me to the airport, right?" Y/n asked, fumbling with the bottom hem of her shirt.

"Of course." Blaire gave her a warm smile.

They all walked out. Y/n locked the door with her key and hit it under the mat. She sighed heavily and pressed her lips into a tight line.

She was gonna miss this house, and she was sure that the house was going to miss Y/n too.

"You ready?" asked Blaire from her car.

Y/n whipped around. 

"Yeah." she muttered and hopped in.

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