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[author's pov]

ALBERT ARETZ smoothed out the last of the wrinkles on his suit.

The suit -which he found at the back of his closet- went perfectly with his white dress shirt and black tie. The look altogether was something that was overused to its brim, but Albert couldn't care less. He looked good. Too good.

He messed up his hair a bit and sprayed on cologne. He wanted to smell good, for christ's sake.

Bedrock jumped up on Albert's bed and barked, his tail wagging from side to side.

"Hey, boy! I can't pet you because i don't want to get your fur on my suit, but here's a pat on the head!" Albert patted the dog lightly on the head, earning a little smile from him.

Albert locked Bedrock outside, and Bedrock enjoyed this, running around and being happy as a dog can be.

Albert fixed his tie and grinned in his bathroom mirror. He was sure Y/n would like his look.


Y/N MONROE, on the other hand, was panicking. She didn't know which earing would match her perfect burgundy dress more: the gold hoops of the gold stars? It was a hard decision.

But she had a good idea.

Instead of Y/n choosing by herself, she took to Twitter Polls for the job.

y/n !

I'm going somewhere SPARKLEfancySPARKLE. What earrings do i choose??
1. Gold Hoops.............87%
2. Gold Stars ...............13%

Seemed like the gold hoops won. 

Y/n smiled at her screen and slid the hoops in her ears.

Coni barked at the window, and Y/n rose up, all fancied. 

Albert was taking out Bedrock.

Y/n decided to steal that idea, and gave Coni a treat before locking her outside.

At this time, Y/n wouldn't have done this back in Colorado, since it was always windy around this time. 

Speaking of this time, it was 6:00!

Y/n rolled on perfume before getting her heels and clutch downstairs.

She slid everything on and eagerly waited for a text.

The text that would change her life.

albert 🤠

u ready ?

Y/n panicked once again and unlocked he phone.


came out of the womb ready

She slid her phone into her clutch and scampered to the door, and once she locked it and was outside, and strutted the runway to Albert's car.

And no, not walked; but strutted. Y/n hadn't worn heels in a hot minute, but she made it look like she never took them off. 

Albert thought this too, of course, but didn't want to compliment her walk; since he thought it was a weird thing to do.

Y/n opened the door and hopped in.

"You look snazzy, madam." Albert complimented her finally.

"Why thank you, sir." Y/n grinned.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now