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[albert's pov]

MY MORNINGS are usually peppy, but this one was slow. I don't know if it was my conversation with Y/n or getting to meet a lot of my online friends at her party, or maybe it was all shook together in a protein powder, which i dry-scooped like madman.

Or it might've been something else. I don't know.

I wake up, feed Bedrock, get dressed, quickly film a Minecraft video with Kaden, have breakfast, workout, go for a run, get back, and take a nap.

When i wake up again, it's 3PM, and Kaden has texted me.

kaden 🥓

kaden 🥓

yooo i just landed :))


nice how was ur flight?

kaden 🥓

i dont wanna type can we call?



I call him on FaceTime, and picks up immediately.

"Hey!" Kaden says. 

"Helloooo." i reply back. He's wearing a black hoodie, and is laying on his headboard of his hotel. "I see you're at the hotel."

"I am. It's a Marriott like twenty minutes away from your house." he shrugs. 

"How was your flight?"

"Pretty well. It was a six and a half our flight, so we left around like eight or nine. They served lunch and snacks in between, so me and Raven were chilling."

"Is that Albert?" i hear Raven's voice in the background.

"Yep, it is! Wanna say hi?" Kaden turns his head.

"Sure!" Raven replies. I hear shuffling, and soon, Kaden has angled the phone to her and she's waving. "Hi, Albert!" she exclaims.

"Hi, Raven!" i wave back. "The last time i saw you was at our last meetup."

"Yeah, when i had the t-shirt with a bad word on it." Kaden laughs.

"Oh my god, i remember that!" Raven tucks her black hair behind her ear. She's wearing a tank top with a white tee under it, and a couple of necklaces were over that. Minecraft bee earring were dangling on her ears.

"Ooh! I love your Minecraft earrings!" i chuckle.

"Thank you!" she touches the earrings. "I made 'em myself. We should totally get your ears pierced, Albert!" she gushes.

"She's right. It'll look good on you." Kaden shows me his ears. He's wearing the same style of earrings that Raven has, but his bees are a bit smaller. 

"That might be a good idea, actually. It'll make the Twitter simps swoon over me even more." i joke.

"I think they've swooned enough, Albert." Kaden goes the fuckboy face.

Raven laughs and walks away. 

"Also, there was this total Karen on the plane."

I lie back onto my bed and relax, then take a quick sip of water. "I wanna hear all about this."

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