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[y/n's pov]

KNOCKS POUNDED in my head as they came.

"What the hell?!" i muttered, grabbed my phone sleepily, and read the time. Why would people deliver mail this fucking early in the morning?


It was 2PM.

Not exactly early.

It was fucking lunch time, and i was just getting up.

I rubbed my hand against my forehead and wiped off grease, oils, and sweat from the night.

I don't think i'd ever really get used to this heat; the extra-oily skin the morning, my hoodie sticking to my body...

Whoops. I forgot i had mail.

I made my way downstairs sluggishly, then opened the door and yawned.


My eyes immediately shot open like i was just really beginning to wake up.

I ran my hands through my hair in a fast pace; trying to get everything to be picture-perfect for Mr. Perfect.

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down, Y/n." he chuckled.

He was wearing a black hoodie and another pair of khaki shorts. Nike Slides were on his feet.

"You don't to get ready just for me."

"You don't understand- i literally just woke up like 2 minutes ago-"

"It's fine, it's fine, i'll come back later..."

"No, no, no. Not letting that one slide. What did you need to talk about, Albert?" i rubbed my eye.

[albert's pov]

Hearing her say my name was like honey dribbling down my body in a slow, thick motion.

"I just uh- wanted to-" i sighed. "Tell you good morning." i scratched the back of my head.

I don't really know why i expected her to pout her bottom lip and say 'Thank you, Albert!', because i know she's not that type of girl.

She burst into laugher.

"I woke up- i fucking woke up, for THIS?! For you to tell me 'good morning'?! Man, fuck Florida." she continued to laugh. I stood there with a straight face while she was laughing at something i didn't know about.

"What's- what's so funny?" i muttered in surprise.

"You could've just FUCKING texted me, Albert."

My face heated up.

I completely forgot i had her phone number.

"Oh my god. I have your number, right?" i tapped my phone with my pointer finger.

"You FORGOT you had my number?!" she fake-gasps. Or at least i think it was a fake-gasp. "I feel so...forgotten! So...used!" she puts her hand on her chest and the back of her other on her forehead, being dramatic and pretending to fall.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. 

I think of the best way to make the most out of this.


An imaginary lightbulb lit up in my brain.

"How 'bout...we get breakfast?"

Her laughing immediately stopped.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now