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[y/n's pov]

"GET IN, loser. We're going shopping!" i yelled at the top of my lungs so Albert could hear. 

Birds flapped around me, and soon enough, Albert emerged from his house. He was dressed in a hoodie that had strawberry milk on it, and regular baggy jeans.

"Good morning, Y/n!" he exclaimed, hopping into the front seat.

"Good morning!" i matched his tone excitedly. "Christ, i'm hungry." i muttered.

"Same. Where are we going again?" 

"This cafe downtown. It's really cute, too."

[albert's pov]

"This cafe downtown. It's really cute, too."

Like you.

No, no, no. We are not starting that right now, my head.

Is that my name now? Jeez, i was thinking of Albert 2.0 or something...

"Shut up!" i shook my head.

Did i just say that aloud? 

Yes you did, dumbass.

"I didn't talk." she said, shaking her head. "Are you good?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh...yeah! I'm totally fine." i reassured her, even though it didn't even sound reassuring to me. "What's the uh, café called?"

"It's like, Katie's something. I don't really remember. She swatted her hand and started the route to downtown on her phone. "Let's just turn this way..." she muttered to herself.

She's so cute when she drives, Albert.

Please shut up.

Glad you didn't say that out loud again.

I flicked myself in the head before pulling out my phone and checking my text messages.

kaden 🥓


I swiped up, opening our conversation.

kaden 🥓

kaden 🥓




kaden 🥓

you're like, madly in love w y/n right????


we're friends i guess idfk

kaden 🥓

didnt u guys like go out on a date in fancy restaurant or smthn??


ok for the record, we went as friends to a friendly get together

kaden 🥓

got it
"friends as friends"


stfu before i hit u!!!

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now