16-group chat

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[y/n's pov]

IF I was being brutally honest, i was a bit pissed off. 

I mean, i got dressed up and looked like one hundred bucks just to go get greasy burgers and fries. The makeup took me almost thirty minutes, all to go to McDonald's?!

After Albert finished laughing, he looked at me sadly. "Are you mad?"

I sighed heavily and looked back at him. "I don't really know, dude. I got dressed up all fancy and shit for a fancy dinner and now we're at McDonald's?" i chuckle a bit, rubbing my temples.

His cheery mood softens, and his expression goes down to a frown. "I'm sorry, i should've thought this through. I saw this on TikTok-"

"You know what?" i say, removing my hands from my head and dropping them on my lap. "We're in our twenties. We should be having fun." 

He cocks his head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...what kind of burger do you want?" i grinned, searching for an answer off of his expression.

"So you're in?"

"Yup. I'm in." i chuckled, running a hand through my hair.

"Alright then!" he opened the car door, then clapped it closed.

He did a quick jog over to my side and opened the door for me. "M'lady," he said, bowing quickly.

"Oh, why thank you, kind sir!" i put on a British accent and curtseyed.

He took my hand and closed the door.

"It was a serious question though. What kind of burger would you like?" 

"We'll figure out when we get there."

[albert's pov]

I was super lucky that Y/n had agreed on this. I don't know what i would've done if she hadn't. My dad would always say that you should never go to bed angry, and i've lived by that ever since.

I opened the door for her, and Y/n bowed her head and smiled as she went in.

The cashier dropped his phone on the counter immediately and looked at us weirdly.

"What can i uh, help you with?" he sighed, looking Y/n up and down, eyes shifting to me after.

"Can i get a get a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese?" i ask, stuffing my hands in my suit pockets.

"Okay sir, anything else?"

"Uh, same burger for me please. And a medium fry."

"Same for me!"

"And a four piece McNugget."

"Ooh, also for me!"

"And a medium Sprite."

"Same for me!"

The cashier smiled at me Y/n in a fake way and tapped aggressively on his iPad thing. 

"You guys are a cute couple. Dressing up all fancy to get fast food."

We laughed. 

"Uh, we're just friends, but thank you." Y/n swatted her hand.

My smile faded a bit after Y/n said that, the cashier looked over at me.

"I don't think mans agrees with you." his eyes went back to his iPad, and his fingers tapped some more.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now