07- surprise

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[albert's pov]

LANA. I was sure that name rung a bell.

And it did. LanasStuff. Right there. Asking for my order.

It was quite the surprise. When i broke up with her, she kind of just blocked me on every social media space possible and ran away crying.

She got a boyfriend a year later. But that didn't matter at this moment.

I eyed her down. She was dressed in a black turtleneck, black jeans, and a folded apron was hanging below her waist.

"I'll have the strawberry champagne, please." Y/n stated. 

She was unbeknownst in this situation, so she just smiled at the lady in front of her.

I had no idea if Lana recognized me or not.

"I'll uh, have the same please." i said with a straight face.

She raised her eyebrows, chewed her gum, and looked down at my crotch. I scooted in farther to the table.

"Alrighty. I'll be right back, sugar." she smirked and walked away with her notepad.

Needless to say, she definitely recognized me. 

Y/n looked disgusted. "Albert, do you know her or...?"

"Nope!" i shouted, a little too loud, since people looked at me. "No, no, no, haha." i laughed.

She bit her bottom lip in thought, but then shrugged. That was close.

"Ooh. All of this shit looks really good." she said to herself, flipping through the laminated pages of their menu.

I dove in too, checking out every page closely. There were arrangements of pasta, salads, and steak. 

"I heard this place has the best Caesar salads ever." she chewed on her cheek.

"Oh really." i muttered. 

My eyes skimmed the whole room, hoping to find Lana again. It's not that i wanted to see her; or get back together or anything. I just wanted to talk.

"Here's your strawberry champagne- whoops! Aw- i-i'm such a clutz!" Lana came up to our table.

She accidentally dropped her pen, and turned around to pick it up to the right of me. She bent over ass-up to me and reached for it. 

Of course, at this moment, the walls to my left were looking especially interesting today, so instead of looking at that, i checked out the walls.

"Deeply sorry." she said, seducingly. 

Y/n cringed at her.

Lana set down her tray of champagne and accidentally spilled another a drip of the champagne on Y/n's beautiful dress.

Lana smirked at this again. "I-i'm so sorry, honey. I'll-i'll go wipe it off." she bit her lip at Y/n. Y/n once again cringed at her as she walked away to get a towel. 

"Okay. What the actual hell was that, Albert? She looks like she wants to fuck you and me." Y/n chuckled.

It might've been true.

"My ex. That was my ex, N/n." i sighed and slapped my forehead.

"Jesus christ...what're we gonna do?" Y/n said. "I really want to try the Caesar salad, but if that bitch-"

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