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[albert's pov]

"YEAH, I guess it's pretty fun." Kaden repeated.

"Are you sure it'll make great content though?" Y/n asked again, making sure.

"Do you care about your content that much?"

"Dude, of course i do! I don't wanna like, post a shit video and get hate comments all day. Really effects your mental health, y'know?"

"Hm. True, true..."

Listening to their conversation was pretty boring, but Y/n's terrific morning voice makes it a bit better.

Calls at 9AM aren't really my thing, so i'm sitting here in my boxers and hoodie half asleep.

Y/n called me and told me to add Kaden to the call almost as soon as she got up, because while we were eating breakfast, she got to hear all the best things about him. 

They were now friends. And i am considerably the third wheel.

"I guess i could play it. Can you send me the link to the game?"

"Oh sure, what's your Discord?" Kaden asked her.

Y/n happily gave him her tag, and Kaden sent her the link for Friday Night Funkin.

"I'm actually pretty good at FNF, so if you need any help fighting noobs in a Roblox rip-off, call me." he laughed.

"They have a Roblox rip-off?!"

"That's a whole 'nother story, but they do."

"Alright. I'll check it out." i heard the smile in her voice. "I'm gonna go have some breakfast, Kaden. Ooh, can i call you Kadey-bear?" she giggled.

Kaden gasped. "I've always wanted to be called a pet name! Yes, you can call me Kadey-bear, Y/n!" he giggled too.

"Can i have your phone number too?" she asked, eagerly.

"Dude, of course!" Kaden gaped.

He said his digits aloud, but then i interrupted. "Okay, what did you guys call me on here again?" 

"Uhh..." Y/n hesitated.

Kaden tried not to laugh. "I'm pretty sure she just wanted you for me." he said.

Y/n snorted. "Nice one, Kade!" 

"That's it! I'm-" i began.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Albert! We're just kidding." she stopped joking around. The fact that she cut the bullshit this quickly made me feel good inside.

[y/n's pov]

I could tell that Albert was totally feeling left out, so i tried my best to include him in our conversation, but i'm pretty sure he was just zoning out most of the time we were talking about video games.

"Then what do you need me here for?"

"You know what, never mind!" i exclaimed. "Kaden, i have your phone number, i'll text you later." i said, aiming at Kaden. 

"Alrighty!" he said in a peppy tone. "See ya, N/n!" he clicked out of the call. 

"And for you, Mr 'I feel left out', i'm taking you to brunch. Be ready at 11." i left the call as soon as i finished my sentence, and reached for my phone.



i was totally just using him for ur details 🙊

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