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[albert's pov]

MONTHS PASSED pretty quickly. Me and Y/n decided to do something for every weekend, whether it was vlog, go shopping for her, get manicures, go on fancy dates, or go to not-so-fancy dates, anything.

Until one weekend, the week before Valentine's day on Saturday,  when Y/n happened to be cooking and dropped a couple of thick onion rings and a clove of garlic on the ground, Coni sped to eat it. Y/n scolded her but laughed it off, but when Coni vomited on her living room carpet an hour later while she was filming, Y/n ended the recording and sped downstairs.

Coni, the sick pup, was lying sadly on the ground, but still breathing and having a pulse. Y/n, freaked out, since nothing like this has happened before, FaceTimed me in distress. Since Bedrock the little rascal chewed on anything and everything, this has happened to me multiple times before. I laughed and told her to not feed Coni anything for the next couple of hours.

She texted me later and told that Coni wasn't getting better by any means. I sighed and felt a rush of mild panic, because if Rocky eats anything he shouldn't have, I would've usually forced it out of his throat and he would've been fine. But I didn't wanna tell Y/n that it might be getting to the point where it was too late. I would save that damn dog.

So I dragged myself out of bed, pulled on sweatpants and a hoodie from my merch, started up the car with one of Rocky's blankets and toys, and called Y/n to get Coni and come outside. Coni was panting when she got in from the small amount of exercise it was to walk a couple of steps from the door to my car door. 

I made Y/n book an appointment at our nearest vet, but deep down inside, I was just hoping they didn't announce Coni dead when we got there.

"What seems to be the problem here?" the vet asked, checking inside a laying Coni's ears and mouth. The room was similar to a dentist's office or a children's hospital, with a blue cushioned seat and a white sheet of paper protecting it. The vet seemed like a nice man, with glasses that have extra sliding down lenses, scrubs, his doctor coat, and gray hair.

"Coni, her name's Coni by the way, unintentionally swallowed a clove of garlic and a couple of onion rings while i was cooking today."

"How many rings? And what was the girth?"

It took everything in me to keep myself from laughing at the word girth. Y/n seemed to notice, because under the doctor's vision, she kicked me in the shin. Then, it took everything in me to not yell 'ow'.

"Three, maybe. An inch wide each."

The vet sucked in his breath. "Oh boy. Uhm, i'll take her to get an x-ray. This shouldn't be fatal, emphasis on shouldn't."

Y/n's eyes widened more than they already were. "Nice! Alright, alright, okay, uhm, go ahead." her smile was filled with anxiety, even though she gave him permission. 

He gave her a close-mouthed slight smile and rolled Coni into another room, leaving me and her to sit and think in silence. Well, the silence part wasn't necessary. 

"I hope she turns out okay."

Y/n ran her tongue over her teeth, seeping in her breath. "I hope so too. She's been my family's dog and mine from the beginning. This would be a horrible way to lose her."

"If you don't mind me asking, what would you do if she...wasn't...here anymore?" i tiptoed around my words, specifically trying to not use 'die' or 'pass away'. 

"If i'm being honest, probably move away from Florida as a whole."

My head jerked back, and she noticed, looking at me.

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