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[y/n's pov]

blaire bear 👩‍🦰

blaire bear 👩‍🦰

so you just let him sleepover? just like that?


im pretty cool

blaire bear 👩‍🦰

i guess you could say that
you know what u have to do now, right?


uh oh
what do i have to do?

blaire bear 👩‍🦰

send me a pic of him sleeping duh


b im not doing that!!

blaire bear 👩‍🦰

ur fault for letting him sleepover
punishment time 😆😆❗❗


you've been watching too much of that half demon half angel teddy bear show
ill see what i can do, dumbass

blaire bear 👩‍🦰

luv u too <3

I SET down my phone with a sigh and rolled over onto my back.

Rain was continuingly pouring outside.

If teleport machines were a thing in a couple of years, i would probably get one just so i could teleport back and forth between my snow cottage in Colorado and my big, hot house in Florida.

On the other hand, it would probably also create a big amount of crimes.

Maybe teleport machine aren't the best idea.

Coni sighed right by me, too, feeling my mood. I ruffled her fur and walked over to the window.

"Florida sucks sometimes, doesn't it, Cone?"

She yawned. 

"Okay, okay, babe. I'll let you sleep." i kissed her on the forehead and watched her eyes slowly close.

Then i opened the covers, plopped in, and disappeared in my mountain of blankets.


I WANTED to sleep through the night. I really did! But i guess my brain didn't want to, cause i woke up at 5AM.

I've always had these things happen at the worst times.

And they were always the same. I would would wake up early with cold sweat and hallucinations, hyperventilate for a couple of minutes, cry, puke, then go back to bed.

Not what happened today. Well, kind of.

I sprung awake in my bed, alarming Coni almost immediately. I never needed a service dog, but she's actually really comforting with these things.

My forehead, chest, and thighs were covered in droplets of sweat. The feeling of vomit was building up quicker and quicker in my throat, so as soon as i heaved myself out of bed, i sprinted to my bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now