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[albert's pov]

WHILE I got up, got dressed, and made myself a coffee at 10AM, Y/n stayed in bed, sleeping. We didn't even go to bed late last night, but i let her sleep. I knew that if i was sleeping as heavily as she probably was, i would hate to be woken up.

She got up around 11:30 with tousled hair and a grin on her face.

"Morning!" she ruffled my hair and plopped down next to me on the couch.

I paused the detective show i was watching on low volume. "Why, good morning to you too, sleepy head."

"What do you mean? It's not even noon!"

"Exactly." i laugh. "So what're the plans for today?" i check my phone. February 14th. 

Fuck. Valentine's Day.

Deep down i was wishing really hard that she had forgotten the original day of the pink holiday, but she would remember some time throughout the day. Okay. It's fine, it's cool, it's gucci. I can just take her out to dinner as usual. 

But you see, she's probably bored of that.

She even told me last night that we were getting boring. I mean, spending my YouTube checks isn't exactly boring, but then again, ten minutes can earn me well over ten grand. 

I'll look at some sightseeing things around Sarasota, but not right now, because i need to make Y/n forget that it's Valentine's Day.

"What're we planning for breakfast?"

"Uhm...we could do that place that i saw Lana at." she ran her fingers through her hair, calmer than ever. I'm glad that she didn't let Lana get to her. She was the crazy ex that they have in the movies. 

"That's fine with me." i shrugged. "You going in your pajamas?" 

"Yeah, gotta problem with that, punk?" she rose up, arms flexed, showing her muscles.

"Wow...no, no i don't i would NEVER-!" i got cut off by her jumping on top of me and holding my arms to my sides.

"You still got a problem?" she whispered, inching closer to my face. I wasn't pulling back. She finally closed it by giving me a soft kiss on the lips and retrieving back on her legs. 

My eyes widened. "I- uh, uhm-"

"So!" she clapped her hands. "I'm gonna go get dressed, and then we can go." she smiled, patted me on the head, and waltzed off.


[author's pov]

WHILE Y/N put on a simple sweater and jeans, Albert went to the guest bathroom to freshen up. He splashed his face with water and rinsed his teeth. 

"Oh Albert! I'm rrreaday!" Y/n exclaimed, running down the stairs with her phone in hand.

"I texted Temprist, by the way." Albert walked out the bathroom with a rag to wipe his elbows with. 

"Oh, okay...what did he say?"

"He said he's really busy this month and the next, so it would be pretty much impossible for him to fly to New York, or any place, right now. He's, like, working on merch or something with Polar right now."

"Who's 'Polar'?"

"She's my thumbnail artist, also pretty cool. But yeah. I mean, i guess we could still go somewhere, but-"

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now