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[y/n's pov]

"WELP CONI. This is it." i sighed.

My flight from Colorado Springs to Sarasota was about 6 hours of sitting and eating those Biscoff cookies they gave you. 

I ate about four packs and had two Dr Peppers. 

Needless to say, Coni wasn't the only one with energy.

"Come on, girl! Come inside!" i said and unlocked the door. She ran in.

I took a look at the house. I did a good job!

It had white walls and hardwood floors. There was a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room downstairs, and upstairs there was my room with a connected bathroom, a guest bedroom, and another bathroom. My bedroom had pastel blue walls, just like i specifically asked.

I clutched my stomach.

God, i'm hungry, I thought.

 Even though i ate a bunch of cookies, i needed to get food.


I CHANGED into one of my classic Parakeet bird hoodies and gray sweatpants before heading out for the grocery store.

I tied up Coni's leash outside the grocery store on a pole and grabbed a cart for food.

I only needed a few things from Safeway for dinner tonight.

grocery list:

dog food for coni 
prego sauce

Dog food for Coni, and Prego, spaghetti and basil for dinner tonight.

I rolled my cart into a section of the grocery store, and started looking through all of the options for spaghetti.

Hmmm. Should i get this brand? I picked up a blue box with tiny spaghetti inside. Or this one? I grabbed another box and compared them


I spun around on my heels, with the 2 boxes of spaghetti still in my hands.

"Are you okay?-" i stopped. 

There, on the floor, was a man, most likely the same age as me. He was wearing a split tie-dye shirt, black white shoes, and khaki shorts.

He was sitting on his ass, examining his knees for any injury. There was a woman stacking box mac n' cheese a at the end of the aisle, not batting an eye. 

There was a big puddle of a tan liquid and an open Starbucks cup laying to the left of him. I assumed that this guy dropped his iced coffee and slipped on it.

"Hello." the man looked up at me, wiping his hands on his shirt.

"Oh! Uhm...hi!" i said, putting the boxes of spaghetti back on the shelf, still not taking my eyes off of this dude. "Need any help?" i stuck out my hand for him to grab onto. 

"Thanks." he grabbed my hand and pulled himself up. "Sorry."

"For what?" i asked.

"Uhm..." he thought for a moment and scratched the back of his neck, revealing his biceps. "I guess falling in front of you."

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now