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[y/n's pov]

ALBERT SPENT the rest of the night at my place. I ate my mac n' cheese on the couch with him while watching Stranger Things. I ate it all by myself, even though i offered him some many times.

"No. I refuse to have your mac n' cheese."

"Albert! C'mon, dude! Just like, one bite. Pwease?" i begged, making puppy eyes at him. It was my first attempt, and i know it was good, but he shook his head no. "Come on! One! One bite! I don't wanna work out extra tomorrow." i groaned.

"You don't need to work out for me though."

My mouth dropped open. "I don't even fucking do it for you, you dumbass!" i whacked him on the head. His hands went up to the wound.

"I can't believe you just hit me!" he chuckled, mouth still opened.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" i said, hitting him more repeatedly on the elbow. "Oh my god, this part always gets me..." i trailed off, watching the demogorgon jump on Bob and eat him.

"I cried the first time i saw this." he admitted.

"So did i." i say as the screen focuses on Joyce. "Jeez. Poor mom."

"I feel like Mike's mom is totally a MILF."

I whipped my head towards him at the speed of light. "Hold up," i paused the episode. "Albert, do you know what MILF stands for?"

"Yeah, Mom I'd Like to Fuck."

"Oh my god." i rubbed my temple. "I mean, you're not wrong, she's pretty hot, but oh my god..."

He laughed. "What are the chances i Tweet that right now?"

"Uh, out of ten?"


"3, 2, 1,"


"4!" we say at the same time.


"What? Come on, Mr. Flamingo. Tweet it!" i nudged his elbow. "OOH! What're the chances that i Tweet it for you?!"

"Pfft. Out of twenty."

"I'll take that challenge."

"3, 2, 1," i say with my fingers.



"FUCK!" he yells.

"Haha! Hand over that phone!" i say, showing him my palm.

He puts his now unlocked and navigated to Twitter phone in my hand. "There you go. Please don't get me cancelled." he groans.

"Don't jinx it!" i snicker, beginning to type. I press post once i'm done.

sus albert

okay but like mike's mom from stranger things is totally a milf amirite

I handed him back his phone. "Oh my god." he groaned again.

"Wait, wait, wait! Lemme reply on my account..." i say, pulling out my phone and going to Twitter.

sus albert

okay but like mike's mom from stranger things is totally a milf amirite


y/n !!

albert wtf.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now